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How To Send A Blank Message On Discord (2023 Update)

Did you know that it’s possible to send blank messages on Discord?

In fact, you only need to copy or memorize a short little message that I’ll share in this article, and you can send blank messages whenever you want – both short, one-line blank messages, and even blank messages that clear the entire screen!

There’s a few different methods to doing it however, and we’ll share several of them in just a moment.

Let’s get to it!

How To Send A Blank Message On Discord

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The easiest way to send a blank message on Discord is to simply copy one of the messages listed below.

We’ll also share a template to send a longer blank message later on, along with some fun things that can happen when you send blank messages.

When copying one of the below messages, do not copy the quotation marks. Otherwise, the blank message will not work!

Option 1: Copy And Paste, “** **”

The first option is to copy and paste ** **. It can be memorized as being two asterisks, one space, and two more asterisks.

Typically, this is the markup for bolding text in a regular message. If you just put a space however, the message will be blank.

Try it out!

Strangely enough, the markup for italics (which is just one asterisk on each side instead of two) does not work.

Option 2: Copy And Paste, “*** ***”

If you want to type a little bit extra, you can also use three asterisks instead of two.

So, three asterisks, a space, and then three more asterisks.

This is typically the markup for text that is both bolded and italicized.

Option 3: Copy And Paste, “_ _”

This one requires the least amount of characters, so it may be the fastest to type.

Put quite simply, it is two underscores right next to each other. You can put a space between them if you wish, but it isn’t required.

Normally, this would be another way to write in italics, similar to using a single asterisk.

However, while a single asterisk doesn’t work for sending blank messages, the underscores do!

Option 4: Copy And Paste, “**_ _**”

The final option is to add both the bold and the italics together – a set of two asterisks, two underscores, and then two more asterisks.

This one really isn’t ever worth using, due to how much extra you have to type out. It accomplishes the exact same thing as the other methods, only it takes more time.

Still, it is one more way to send a blank message on Discord, so I wanted to include it!

Bonus: Clear The Entire Chat With This Long Blank Message!

If you’re looking for something that can clear the entire chat out all at once, look no further!

Simply copy the message below, and it will clear the entire Discord chat window all at once with a blank message.

Of course, if you want to have some fun, you could paste it in multiple times to make the message even longer, and delete it before anyone has the chance to scroll all the way up to see who it was!

That being said, you should only do it if you know it will be already with your server’s moderators.

Otherwise, this may break one of your Discord server’s rules regarding spam or annoyances.

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Why Send A Blank Message?

Now that we’ve shared several different ways to send a blank message on Discord – both long and short messages, let’s now focus on the ‘why.’

Truth be told, sending blank messages can be a lot of fun!

If you try to send a blank message without using one of the methods above, it simply will not send. Instead, Discord will act like you typed nothing at all.

So, when people see that you’ve sent a blank message, they will probably try it out themselves – only to realize that they can’t!

They’ll then become curious how you managed to pull it off. If you’re feeling kind, send them a link to this article so they can try it too!


In this article, we’ve covered several different ways to share a blank message on Discord.

Because these methods can be easy to forget, I recommend bookmarking this page so you can return to it the next time you want to send a blank message.

Of course, when people start asking you how you did it, you can send them a link as well.

I hope that you’ve found this article helpful. If you have any other questions about Discord, please ask them using the comment form below.

Wishing you the best,

– James McAllister


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