Have you noticed that your GPU is running at 100%, and are wondering whether this is a problem?

Although your graphics card is designed to hit 100%, there are some situations where it’s perfectly acceptable, and other situations where it can actually damage your hardware!

So, in this article I’ll be covering when it is or isn’t alright for your GPU to be at 100% usage, what to do if you’re also experiencing FPS drops, and how to decrease stress on your GPU so it lasts as long as possible. I highly recommend reading through each one of the tips, as I’ve personally lost my GPU due to ignoring them in the past!

Without any further ado, let’s get started!

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Are you looking at a new computer that has 12 gigabytes of RAM, and you’re wondering whether it will be enough?

The truth is, modern RAM requirements are higher than ever. While 12 gigabytes may be plenty for certain tasks, it may not be enough for certain things you may want to do on your computer.

So, how will you know if it’s enough for you? In this article, I’ll be covering whether 12 gigabytes is enough for many different use cases, so you’ll know what to expect going forward.

That way, you can decide whether or not you need to upgrade to 16 gigabytes, or you could even save money by dropping down to 8.

Without any further ado, let’s get started!

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Are you considering buying a computer from CyberPowerPC, and are wondering whether or not they’re any good?

Between people online sharing their experiences and marketers trying to make a sale, it’s hard to know who you can believe.

In this article, I’m going to be giving you an honest assessment of CyberPowerPC – both as a company, as well as their computers. This article does not contain any affiliate links, so I make no money regardless of your decision. Therefore, I’m able to give you my full, unbiased opinion of the company and their computers.

Let’s get to it!

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Note: This article contains no affiliate links, and we have nothing to promote or sell. These are pure, unbiased results and opinions.

Are you looking at a 75Hz monitor, and wondering if it will be good enough for gaming?

Deciding the number of Hz your monitor should have is one of the most important decisions you’ll make when picking a new computer monitor. However, depending on the type of games that you play, your needs will differ.

In this article, we’ll go over whether or not 75Hz is enough for the games you want to play, as well as share some other important tips when it comes to picking your perfect monitor.

Let’s get into it!

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