Last Updated on January 4, 2023 by James McAllister

By: James McAllister


If you send a message to TikTok, is there any way to know if they’ve read it yet?

Likewise, can people tell when you open and read the TikTok messages they send you?

In this article, I’ll cover everything you need to know.

Does TikTok Have Read Receipts?

TikTok Logo

At this time, TikTok does not have read receipts. This means you will not be notified if they read your message, and there is no way to know if they’ve opened your message unless they tell you.

This is true both on the iPhone and Android version of the apps, as well as on the apps designed for iPads and other tablets.

Currently, there is no way to know if your message has been read.

This is different than other social networks.

For example, Facebook and Twitter both send read receipts by default, letting you know that a message has been seen.

Even on text messaging apps such as Kik or iMessage on iPhone, users have the option to enable or disable read receipts (thus, only allowing them to be shown if they choose to.)

Unfortunately however, there is no option for this either way within TikTok. You can’t turn on read receipts and let others know when you’ve read their message, even if you want to.

If read receipts are important to you, we recommend communicating through an alternative app such as Kik or Facebook.

Can Other People See When You View Their TikTok Profile?

Likewise, TikTok also doesn’t show people who visit or view your profile.

This is a little bit different to how the app was in the past. Previously, when the app was rebranded from Musically, you did receive periodic notifications letting you know everyone that’s viewed your profile.

This is no longer the case.

These days, you’ll likely only know someone’s visited your profile if they send you a message, or like / comment on one of your old TikToks.

While it is a possibility that TikTok will introduce read receipts in the future, it is unlikely they will bring back the ability to see who viewed your profile.

However, if you have a TikTok business account, you can find more detailed stats and analytics about your profile. Note however that all of this data is anonymous, and you can’t pick out individual users who have visited.


Currently, there is no way to know if someone’s read your message on TikTok. Likewise, other people have no way of knowing if you’ve read theirs.

If you need to get in touch with someone urgently, go ahead and send them another message. If someone’s ignoring you, it’s possible that they just forgot to respond or were distracted – a gentle nudge will send a notification to their phone, which may prompt them to reply.

About the author 

James McAllister

James is the owner of He started his first blog at the age of 11, and has since gone on to start several successful businesses. In total, these businesses have sold hundreds of thousands of units and have touched millions of lives. Here on, he shares his knowledge that brought him to where he is today. If you want to connect with James, follow him on your favorite social networks!

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  1. Thank you for this information! Can you update this article, because I believe TikTok shows profile views now, but I heard you have to "update" the app to get those "read receipts" on your profile. I also heard if you have drafts on the TikTok app, once you update the app (by deleting the current and adding the new), all your drafts will be gone. Is there a way to update the app so you can get profile views without deleting the TikTok app and losing drafts?


    1. Hi Samantha, thank you for your comment!

      You are right that TikTok now allows you to see who has viewed your profile. In order to see this however, you also have to make it so other people can see when you view THEIR profile. So, a lot of people have left it off, myself included.

      Note that this still doesn’t affect read receipts for messages, though.

      About updating the app, TikTok shouldn’t delete your drafts if all you’re doing is updating. Drafts are only deleted if you delete the app entirely and redownload it. I’ve written more about this in article here if you want to read over it:

      Of course, it’s a good idea to download and backup drafts just in case.

      Hope this helps, and thank you again!


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