More than 2 million new blog posts are published each day.

Let me say that again: more than 2 million blog posts are published each day!

2 million. That is more than 83,000 an hour, 1,388 a minute, or 23 every second. That’s a lot of freaking blog posts!

To keep your visitors coming back to your website again and again, it is vital that you are memorable in some way. You need your visitors thinking about you and your blog while they are away, eager to come back and read your next post.

In order to do that, you need to stand out and become memorable in your reader’s minds. While most bloggers blend in with the millions of others out there, it is fortunately not difficult to stand out and become a memorable blogger. Nor it is hard to create a memorable blog. By following these 7 techniques, I assure you that you’ll be on the minds of your readers far more often than you ever have been before. 

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What have you done today?

No, seriously. I want you to sit and ponder this for a moment. From the moment you woke up to right now, I want you to think about what you have done today. Don’t just say you worked. Be specific.


Now I want you to think for a moment about what your goals are. What is it you want most out of life? Why did you start blogging? What is it you are looking forward to?

One last thing – I want you to ask yourself one final question. Are the actions you’ve taken so far today helping you achieve the goals you’ve set out for yourself? Are you taking action in great enough quantities to be certain beyond a doubt that your dreams are going to become a reality?

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We all know the importance of eliminating distractions – but it’s hard to do that when we are unable to identify what’s actually distracting us.

Sometimes, we may believe something we are doing is beneficial, but it is actually pulling us off our desired path. Worst of all, we often don’t realize it until it’s too late.

While certainly not a complete list, I wanted to use this article to draw attention to some of the most common distractions I see bloggers get sucked into, so we can avoid them when we come across them!

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What separates a mediocre entrepreneur from a highly successful entrepreneur?

This is a question that I pondered for ages back when I was a beginner myself. What traits did successful entrepreneurs have that I didn’t? What made them so great?

The truth is, all of us are born knowing absolutely nothing about business. We aren’t born great entrepreneurs. We don’t enter the world with our head full of marketing or business knowledge.

It’s all learned. All the great marketers and entrepreneurs that you look up to started from nothing, and grew into the people they are today.

This means with enough effort, you can become great too.

But still, all of the highly successful businesspeople do have certain traits in common that have helped bring them to the levels they are at now. Here are 10 characteristics of highly successful entrepreneurs – characteristics you may wish to adopt yourself if you wish to reach the same levels they have.

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If you’ve been following me closely, you’ll have noticed that things haven’t been going as normal.

I’ve been blogging pretty inconsistently.

I’m not nearly as active on social media platforms as I’ve been in the past.

You aren’t finding my smiling face on other people’s blogs or on marketing forums.

The places where you could expect to see me practically any time you visited, I’m now not showing up at all.


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If you came here expecting some long informative post that you’re used to seeing on here, this isn’t one of them. If this upsets you, click the back button. If you can handle that, read on.

I have noticed an ever increasing trend both in my business life and my personal life of people feeling as if they must do things by the book. They are afraid to do what they believe is right, because other people have not confirmed their ideas. They are afraid to take chances or do things differently.

Quite frankly, that hurts everybody. The business owner, because you get none of the rewards that come with taking risks, and for your visitors as well, because you’re probably boring like the vast majority of people are.

We can talk all day about how to get people to like you, trust you, whatever. But none of that is important if they don’t even remember who you are. 

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