I recently broke my phone, rendering it completely useless and leaving me without one until I could get it replaced.

This taught me a valuable lesson and brought forth an almost frightening realization – we are becoming increasingly reliant on our smartphones.

…But we all knew that right? It’s obvious – you can’t go out in public without seeing people glued to their screens. However, you may not truly realize how bad this issue was until you’re forced to go without a smartphone for a week.

This wasn’t just apparent in my personal life either – I’ve realized I’ve become incredibly reliant on my smartphone for running my business as well. There are a lot of great apps for blogging that I’ve been using, and I wanted to share some of these with you so you could benefit from them too.

Without any further ado, here are 10+ iPhone / Android apps for bloggers that you may consider downloading!

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A vital part of your online media empire is your social pages. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram- whatever networks you have chosen to amass a following on, these pages are huge assets to your business when used properly.

We’re all told as beginning bloggers that we need to start social pages for our blogs. We’re told to share links to our content and other people’s content on our pages. We’re told that we can also use our pages to make money. However, beyond that, we’re left out in the dark, wandering aimlessly as we not only try to build a following, but keep our following engaged with our posts.

This has unfortunately but understandably led to some pretty bad behavior, and the majority of people have failed to realize where the real power behind social media lies. 

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One of the biggest mistakes I see so many bloggers making is the fact that they aren’t selling any products of their own.

Sure, you may be promoting somebody else’s product as an affiliate, and that’s certainly a good way to monetize your blog, but the benefits of selling a product of your very own are enormous.

So why aren’t more bloggers creating their own products?

It tends to come down to one of two reasons – either they feel they don’t have a good idea for a product, or they are concerned about the amount of time it takes to create something and are worried that the investment of their time will not be worth it.

These concerns are understandable – after all, who wants to spend months creating something they feel is amazing only for it to ultimately flop?

Fortunately, the risk of this can be dramatically reduced by creating something called a minimum viable product, or MVP for short. Using the advice laid out for you in this article, you’ll be able to eliminate these concerns by creating and bringing a product to market far quicker than normal, and you’ll be able to verify it’s a product that your audience is interested in purchasing before putting too much time into it.

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You ever have those nights where you just can’t fall asleep because you can’t stop thinking?

This is what it’s like for me every single night. It’s both a blessing and a curse.

I’m sitting here listening to Bob Dylan and Beatles songs and I just can’t even fathom how unbelievable my life is. The opportunities embracing entrepreneurship has brought me. I can’t believe what has happened.

You wouldn’t believe how emotional I am as I write this post. You can already tell it’s not one of my normal pieces. But really, I have no idea if I want to laugh, cry, or faint right now. I invite you to join me on this emotional roller coaster as I reflect on how starting my first blog all those years ago changed things beyond my wildest imagination.

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When’s the last time you’ve paid good money to purchase a product that will make you a better blogger?

When’s the last time you’ve ordered a book, purchased a training course, or signed up for a program that will grow your knowledge of business, marketing, or entrepreneurship?

How much time do you allocate towards growing your own personal skill set?

If you’re like most people in the world today, you ignore these things completely. And by doing so, you end up like most other people in the world today – unsuccessful, unhappy, and in huge financial trouble.

Now let me ask you one more question – is that the type of life you want to live?

I didn’t think so.

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What have you done today?

No, seriously. I want you to sit and ponder this for a moment. From the moment you woke up to right now, I want you to think about what you have done today. Don’t just say you worked. Be specific.


Now I want you to think for a moment about what your goals are. What is it you want most out of life? Why did you start blogging? What is it you are looking forward to?

One last thing – I want you to ask yourself one final question. Are the actions you’ve taken so far today helping you achieve the goals you’ve set out for yourself? Are you taking action in great enough quantities to be certain beyond a doubt that your dreams are going to become a reality?

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