More than 2 million new blog posts are published each day.

Let me say that again: more than 2 million blog posts are published each day!

2 million. That is more than 83,000 an hour, 1,388 a minute, or 23 every second. That’s a lot of freaking blog posts!

To keep your visitors coming back to your website again and again, it is vital that you are memorable in some way. You need your visitors thinking about you and your blog while they are away, eager to come back and read your next post.

In order to do that, you need to stand out and become memorable in your reader’s minds. While most bloggers blend in with the millions of others out there, it is fortunately not difficult to stand out and become a memorable blogger. Nor it is hard to create a memorable blog. By following these 7 techniques, I assure you that you’ll be on the minds of your readers far more often than you ever have been before. 

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Every entrepreneur has something called a power base.

Your power base is very similar to your network, but it’s a bit more refined – your power base is those people that you’ve connected with so well, that they will take a given action to support you if you request them to do so.

You can think of them kind of like your inner circle – the people willing to go above and beyond. They are those that not only know you, but help lift you up.

These are the people you can turn to when you need a favor. When you need help. Advice. Guidance. Every business owner needs a power base to fall back on, to leverage, and to propel themselves forward.

To become more effective at running your companies, you need to make building your power base one of your largest priorities. Let’s talk about how to build your power base,  and how to make the most out of it for your mutual gain.

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We all have different stages that we go through as bloggers. We go through periods where everything seems to be going right, and periods where it seems like the best thing to do is close down. We have times where we are excited and optimistic about the future, and times where everything just seems to be working against us.

They say entrepreneurship is a roller coaster, and it’s very true. However, only those who are able to hang on during the ups and downs are the ones who will see the ride through to its completion. As I share with you these 7 stages that all bloggers go through, I want you to think about whether or not you’ve seen these so far throughout your own blogging career. If you haven’t, I promise you will see them soon if you stay on board long enough.

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One of the most valuable skills you can learn in life is how to sell – not only sell your products, but yourself and your ideas. Being able to persuade someone to take a given action is extremely powerful, and this should be a skill you are constantly looking to develop.

The truth is, you are selling yourself every day. When you talk to someone, you are selling your brand. When you give someone an opinion, you are selling that idea to them. Whether you know it or not, almost every interaction you have with other people is a sale in some way.

As bloggers and as entrepreneurs, there are certain things we can do to sell more effectively. This article is going to lay out 7 rules you must follow to build up your inner salesperson, make more money through your blog, and close more deals – particularly if you are selling mid to high ticket offers.

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I recently broke my phone, rendering it completely useless and leaving me without one until I could get it replaced.

This taught me a valuable lesson and brought forth an almost frightening realization – we are becoming increasingly reliant on our smartphones.

…But we all knew that right? It’s obvious – you can’t go out in public without seeing people glued to their screens. However, you may not truly realize how bad this issue was until you’re forced to go without a smartphone for a week.

This wasn’t just apparent in my personal life either – I’ve realized I’ve become incredibly reliant on my smartphone for running my business as well. There are a lot of great apps for blogging that I’ve been using, and I wanted to share some of these with you so you could benefit from them too.

Without any further ado, here are 10+ iPhone / Android apps for bloggers that you may consider downloading!

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A vital part of your online media empire is your social pages. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram- whatever networks you have chosen to amass a following on, these pages are huge assets to your business when used properly.

We’re all told as beginning bloggers that we need to start social pages for our blogs. We’re told to share links to our content and other people’s content on our pages. We’re told that we can also use our pages to make money. However, beyond that, we’re left out in the dark, wandering aimlessly as we not only try to build a following, but keep our following engaged with our posts.

This has unfortunately but understandably led to some pretty bad behavior, and the majority of people have failed to realize where the real power behind social media lies. 

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