Have you posted a Story on Snapchat, and are wondering which people have viewed it multiple times?

Or perhaps you’re viewing someone else’s Story, and you’re curious if they can see how many times you viewed it.

In either case, it’s normal to wonder if there’s any way to find this information out.

In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know – including when and how it can be done!

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Are you looking to clear Snapchat’s cache on your iPhone?

This isn’t only a great way to free up some additional space, but it can also fix bugs that pop up while using Snapchat.

While Android phones have a way to clear the cache of any app, it’s not quite as easy on iPhone.

Still, clearing Snapchat’s cache is pretty easy on any devices due to the way its set up. In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about clearing Snapchat’s cache – including a step-by-step guide!

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Did your account recently get banned on TikTok?

As frustrating as this is, many people become even more frustrated when they find out their old profile is still up, and is listed within TikTok’s app.

To make matters even worse, because you’re banned, you can’t log in to delete it.

So, how do you delete a TikTok account that’s been banned or suspended? In this article, I’ll share a method with you that still works – and only takes a few minutes to carry out!

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TikTok is constantly growing and evolving.

While it started out primarily as a lip-syncing app for music, it’s now one of the world’s most popular social networks ever, with over 1 billion users.

And with the expansion of TikTok has come a lot of new features – such as livestreaming, stories, and a useful DM system for chatting with friends.

But does TikTok allow you to place calls to other users, and if so, how is it done?

In this article, we’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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Stories are a feature that TikTok introduced in late 2021, and are quickly becoming one of its fastest-growing features.

Like Snapchat and Instagram, Stories are a wonderful way to build a stronger connection with your audience and even to grow your following.

But what if you post something by mistake? How do you delete a TikTok story, and what should you keep in mind before doing so?

In this article, I’ll cover everything that you need to know – including a step-by-step guide on how to delete your story quickly.

Let’s get to it!

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