Do you have AdBlock installed on your computer or phone, but you’re concerned whether or not your favorite YouTubers will still get paid?

Considering that advertisements are a large part of how YouTubers make money, you may be wondering if you’re actually harming them by having AdBlock installed.

Thankfully, the answer isn’t so black and white, and you’ll see why in just a moment.

In this article, I’ll cover how AdBlock affects YouTubers differently, and what else you can do to support them – even if you keep AdBlock installed!

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Did your screen protector recently come off your phone, and you want to reapply it?

If the screen protector is no longer sticky, this can be a bit challenging. Thankfully, there is a lot you can do to help make it sticky again, and the entire process only takes a few moments to carry out.

In this article, I’ll be sharing tips not only on how to reapply your screen protector, but also what you can do to ensure it stays stuck for good.

Without any further ado, let’s get to it!

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Are you trying to follow a hashtag on Instagram, but it’s not working?

Perhaps the button is missing entirely, or it automatically unfollows it after you press the follow button.

Regardless of the reason, this has become a common problem. Thankfully, there are several different causes to it, and the fixes for them have already been tested out.

So, in this article I’ll be covering the different reasons you may not be able to follow hashtags on Instagram, and what can be done to fix it.

Let’s get to it!

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Are you trying to create a TikTok video, but you’re receiving an error about iCloud when you attempt to do so?

Although this can be frustrating, there is usually a simple reason behind this, with a simple fix.

That being said, the exact process can differ depending on whether it’s a picture, or a video causing the issue.

In this article, I’ll be going over exactly what this message means, and how you can fix it quickly, so it never bothers you again!

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