Are you planning on recording a FaceTime call – or believe someone might be recording you, and are wondering if FaceTime will send a notification?

While Apple doesn’t allow you to record phone calls or even audio calls using the built-in screen recorder, FaceTime does not have this restriction – meaning anybody can record any FaceTime video call at any time.

So, will a notification be sent, and is recording even legal?

In this article, I’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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Are you trying to upload a new profile picture to Instagram, but it keeps appearing blurry when you go to view it?

Although this is frustrating, it’s a surprisingly common problem. Thankfully, that means that we know a lot about how to fix it.

In this article, I’ll be sharing several different tips to help you make your profile picture appear sharper, and far higher quality – that way, it will look wonderful once uploaded to your profile.

Let’s get to it!

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Are you looking for numbers that will play music when you call them?

In addition to having a little of fun, these can also be useful for pretending you’re on hold, if you don’t actually want to talk to someone. They can also make you appear busy, when you’re actually not.

So, what are some phone numbers that play music when you call them?

In this article, I’ll be including a list of every one that I’ve found!

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Did you know that your device records a lot of extra information when you take a photo – which can even include the exact location where the photo was taken?

Therefore, you’ll want to make sure this information – known as EXIF data, is removed before sending it to others.

Since Discord is one of the world’s most popular chatting platforms, you may be wondering – does Discord remove EXIF data automatically – both on photos, as well as videos?

In this article, I’ll cover everything that you need to know. I’ll also be sharing how you can disable your photos and videos from being geotagged automatically in the future.

Let’s get to it!

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Have you ever thought about how YouTubers get paid – and what actually helps creators grow on the platform?

It’s common for YouTubers to ask for likes at the end of their videos, but does this actually help them make money? In fact, what do likes actually do?

These are great questions, and the answer is actually pretty interesting.

So, in this article I’ll be answering these questions, as well as talking about the other factors that help creators make money on YouTube. If you’re a creator yourself or you simply want to help your favorite YouTubers out, you’ll certainly learn how!

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