By: James McAllister


Amazon is one of the largest companies in the world, and employs more than 1.1 million people in the United States alone.

With over a dozen major holidays throughout the year, you may be wondering – does Amazon close on any of them? If so, which? And if not, do employees get bonus pay?

In this article, we’ll go over exactly what happens on each major holiday, and list out each day of the year that Amazon closes.

We’ll also answer the most common questions regarding order delivery and bonus compensation for Amazon employees.

Let’s get to it!

Is Amazon Closed On Holidays?

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Currently, Amazon only closes on one day a year – Christmas.

Additionally, there may be reduced shifts offered for Amazon fulfillment center employees on Christmas Eve.

That being said, Amazon does recognize a number of other holidays as well. Although fulfillment centers do not close, they may offer additional compensation for employees that choose to work on these days.

Let’s go over the full list, and the bonus compensation packages in more detail.

What Holidays Do Amazon Employees Get Off?

Currently, Amazon recognizes and offers paid time off for the following holidays:

  1. New Year’s Day (January 1st)
  2. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (the third Monday of each January)
  3. Memorial Day (the last Monday of May)
  4. Independence Day (July 4th)
  5. Labor Day (the first Monday of September)
  6. Thanksgiving Day (the fourth Thursday in November)
  7. Christmas Day (December 25th.)

If the holiday isn’t on this list, Amazon employees will not receive any special pay or bonuses for working on these days.

Some notable holidays that are left out include Easter Sunday, Halloween, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Valentine’s day. We’ll also cover special situations regarding other notable holidays later on.

Again, Christmas is the only day when Amazon fulfillment centers are completely closed. Despite having paid time off for the holidays listed above, Amazon warehouses will remain open to process orders.

What Happens If Amazon Employees Choose To Work During One Of These Holidays?

According to sources online and messages from Amazon employees, one of three things may happen if an employee chooses to work on an Amazon-approved holiday.

1. They will eligible for 1.5x pay.

2. They will receive an additional bonus payment for working that day.

3. Both, particularly if working overtime.

The exact compensation can vary depending on your location and position.

As you might imagine, many employees prefer not to work on holidays, leaving Amazon with a shortage of workers during those days.

So, the additional pay is a good incentive to keep their fulfillment centers adequately staffed throughout the holidays.

Frequently Asked Questions

We now know that Amazon rarely closes entirely, even on holidays.

That being said, let’s look into more detail about specific days of the year and how it affects both those working at Amazon, as well as those placing orders through Amazon’s website.

Is Amazon Closed On Christmas?

Yes. In fact, Christmas is the only day of the year where Amazon fulfillment centers completely close!

Even Christmas Eve tends to have shifts scheduled during the daytime hours. Though, shifts may not be scheduled later in the day, since Amazon warehouses are closed on Christmas itself.

Is Amazon Closed On Thanksgiving?

Amazon does not close on Thanksgiving. However, USPS does not deliver packages on Thanksgiving, so this is important to know if you’re expecting something to arrive.

However, as noted earlier, this is one of the holidays which are eligible for holiday pay and bonus pay.

Is Amazon Closed On Juneteenth?

No. Amazon does not recognize Juneteenth as a holiday and does not give it any special treatment, nor do workers get any additional pay for working during Juneteenth.

Is Amazon Closed On July 4th?

Amazon is not closed on July 4th. However, employees that choose to work that day may be rewarded with holiday pay and / or bonus pay.

Additionally, USPS does not deliver packages on July 4th, including packages that were shipped by Amazon.

Is Amazon Closed On Sundays?

No. Amazon is not closed on Sundays, unless that Sunday happens to be Christmas Day.

Is Amazon Closed On Memorial Day?

Although Amazon does not close for Memorial day, they do consider it to be of their paid holidays.

So, employees may receive paid time off or bonus compensation for working on Memorial Day.

Is Amazon Closed On Easter?

Easter Sunday is not one of Amazon’s paid holidays.

This means that like Halloween or Valentine’s Day, you will not receive any extra pay for working on Easter.

Therefore, you may consider scheduling around it to spend Easter with your family instead, if possible.


Currently, the only day that Amazon closes completely each year is on Christmas.

While Amazon recognizes many other holidays and may offer bonus pay for working on those days, their fulfillment centers and operations still proceed as normal.

I hope that this article has answered all of your questions. If you have any other questions about Amazon, please ask them using the comment form below.

Wishing you the best,

– James McAllister

About the author 

James McAllister

James is the owner of He started his first blog at the age of 11, and has since gone on to start several successful businesses. In total, these businesses have sold hundreds of thousands of units and have touched millions of lives. Here on, he shares his knowledge that brought him to where he is today. If you want to connect with James, follow him on your favorite social networks!

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  1. You know Halloween and Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day and Father’s Day aren’t actual holidays right my man? Why you even decided to mention those is beyond me… you should think about things before you try and self publish them on the internet oh enough said you’re a self published whatever you are that’s why your not writing for the big dog publishers…


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