Are you looking to follow someone on Spotify, and you’re wondering whether or not they’ll receive a notification when you do so?

Or perhaps, you’re simply curious when people follow you instead.

Either way, it leads you to wonder – does Spotify ever send a notification when someone is followed? And if so, what does the notification actually say?

In this article, I’ll cover everything that you need to know!

Does Spotify Send A Notification When You Follow Someone?

Spotify Logo Next To Pair Of Earbuds

At this time, the answer is no. Spotify does not send any sort of notification when you follow someone, so they will have no way of knowing that they’ve gained a new follower unless they manually check their profile.

Although following individual users (rather than artists) isn’t that frequent on Spotify, they do not deem it worthy enough to bother someone with a notification for it.

After all, if you think about it – there isn’t really any benefit to knowing your following unless you’re a playlist curator, or someone trying to build some sort of presence on Spotify.

So, it’s unlikely that Spotify will introduce notifications in the future, either!

Does Spotify Let You View Individual Followers?

Now that we know that Spotify does not send a notification when someone follows you, this leads to another important question – can you see who follows you at all?

Currently, the answer is no for this as well.

While you can view your total number of followers by going to your Spotify profile, there is no way to see who those users actually are.

So, while they may be someone that you know, they could also be complete strangers.

If you’re worried about a specific person following you on Spotify, you can always block them. This will prevent them from seeing your Spotify profile entirely, and will remove them as a follower if they have already chosen to follow you.

To block someone and remove them as a follower on Spotify, follow the instructions laid out in this article.

Not only will it walk you through how to block them on both desktop and mobile, but it will also show you how you can make your Spotify profile as private as possible, to avoid having to do this again in the future.

So, it can save you a lot of time if you really want to keep your information private!

Remember – Spotify Isn’t A Social Media Site!

If you think about it, there is really no reason for Spotify to send notifications when other people interact with your page.

Spotify has made it abundantly clear that they have no intention of being a social media site, or adding social media features into their platform.

This is why they don’t let you send direct messages to other users, for example.

In fact, playlist curators can’t even see who is following their playlist, which is a feature that would actually be useful for those people.

Ultimately, Spotify has deemed privacy – and focusing on the core experience of Spotify – you know, listening to music and podcasts, to be their priority.

Spotify is even auto-generating random usernames for new accounts these days, if that tells you how little they care about social features.

Personally, I think this is a good thing.

Most people come to Spotify to listen, not to talk with others. There are plenty of other sites for that, and we don’t need Spotify becoming one of them!


For better or worse, users do not currently receive a notification when somebody follows them on Spotify.

While they may be able to see their total number of followers, there is no way to see who specifically is following them either. So, you can safely follow someone without them ever knowing it was you.

I hope that you’ve found this article helpful, and that it’s answered all of your questions.

If you have any other questions about Spotify, ask them below and I’ll be happy to help!

Wishing you the best,

– James McAllister

About the author 

James McAllister

James is the owner of He started his first blog at the age of 11, and has since gone on to start several successful businesses. In total, these businesses have sold hundreds of thousands of units and have touched millions of lives. Here on, he shares his knowledge that brought him to where he is today. If you want to connect with James, follow him on your favorite social networks!

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