Have you looked up near the clock on your iPhone, and noticed a little arrow next to the time?

This arrow can be several different colors, and the truth is that each one means a different thing.

So what does this arrow mean, what causes it to appear, and how can you make it go away?

In this article, I’ll be answering all of these questions and more!

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Are you sharing your location with someone, and you want to know whether or not it uses data?

If you have a limited amount data that your plan allows each month, this can be an important concern.

So, does location sharing use data, and if so, how much can you expect it to use?

In this article, I’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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Are you trying to prevent your location from being tracked, and want to know how to do it?

One common belief is that if you turn airplane mode on, then your location will stop being shared. But is this true, and what happens if you end up connecting to Wi-Fi after?

In this article, I’ll share whether or not people can still see your location, and if so, how you can hide it completely.

Let’s get to it!

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