Does FaceTime normally work perfectly for you, but you’re having trouble FaceTiming one specific contact?

This can be frustrating, especially when it doesn’t ring at all on their end, or the screen simply remains black.

Thankfully, a lot of people have experienced this problem, so we now know a lot of what can be done to fix it.

In this article, I’ll be sharing several different ideas that can help fix the problem – at least one of them should almost certainly work!

So, without any further ado, let’s get started.

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Are you looking to make an international FaceTime call, and you’re wondering whether or not will be charged for it?

If you’re contacting someone outside of the country or you’re currently traveling internationally, this is a completely normal concern.

So, in this article I’ll explain how you can avoid extra charges, and be able to place video and audio FaceTime calls without needing to spend any additional money.

Let’s get into it!

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Did someone block you on their iPhone or iPad, and you’re wondering whether or not you’ll still be able to send a FaceTime call to them?

This is an interesting question, since FaceTime and regular phone calls are handled differently.

So, in this article I’ll cover whether you can still FaceTime, what will happen if you try, and alternate ways to get through to them should you wish to get in contact.

Let’s get started!

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Do your FaceTime calls keep dropping or disconnecting?

This can be incredibly frustrating, and cause you to wonder if there’s something wrong with your iPhone, iPad or Mac.

For better or worse, people have been experiencing this issue since FaceTime first released. Thankfully however, this means we understand a lot about what causes the problem, and what can be done to fix it.

In this article, I’ll be covering several different fixes, starting with the most common to the most obscure. Because of that, I recommend trying each one out in order, so you can fix the problem as quickly as possible.

Let’s get to it!

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Are you planning on FaceTiming with someone for a really long time, or just wondering if FaceTime has any sort of time limit?

Considering that FaceTime is one of the most popular video chatting tools in the world, this is a common question.

So, in this article I’ll be sharing the details with you, along with what you can do to keep your calls going as long as possible without disconnecting, or damaging your phone. For fun, I’ll also be sharing the longest FaceTime call that’s ever been done!

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Are you planning on recording a FaceTime call – or believe someone might be recording you, and are wondering if FaceTime will send a notification?

While Apple doesn’t allow you to record phone calls or even audio calls using the built-in screen recorder, FaceTime does not have this restriction – meaning anybody can record any FaceTime video call at any time.

So, will a notification be sent, and is recording even legal?

In this article, I’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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