Last Updated on January 10, 2022 by James McAllister

By: James McAllister


Sometimes, the hardest part of completing a new project is simply starting it.

Getting the motivation to pick yourself up and get to work can be tough.

Fortunately, a new contest from MyBlogU may provide that much needed motivation to start your newest website and get it going. 

What Are The Requirements?

The idea behind this contest is pretty simple. You create a new website from scratch, build it up with the MyBlogU community, and then at the end of the contest on April 5th, you will share your website, email list, and revenue statistics which will be used to determine a winner.

New websites need to be submitted and approved by October 5th, but can be sent in as early as Septemeber 5th. Of course, it’s a good idea to get started as soon as possible – you’ll want to get any competitive advantage you can.

The Prize

MyBlogU ChallengeI don’t participate or advertise contests very often, because many of them quite frankly are not worth your time. However, the prizes for the MyBlogU contest are truly a huge added bonus on top of the additional profit you’ll be making from your new website.

First of all, if you win you’ll receive 10 years of free web hosting and domain renewals from, which is a huge value in itself. I’ve never hosted with them personally, but 10 years of free hosting is a great value.

On top of that however, you’ll also get to work closely with Ann Smarty and her team to double your website statistics after the contest, including your profit. If you don’t know who Ann Smarty is, I strongly recommend reading her about page here.  She has done so much that I couldn’t possibly tell you about her in just a few sentences.

Anyway, if you win you’ll get a chance to work with her team as closely as you need to in order to double your numbers. This is an incredible deal and the knowledge you gain from the coaching is bound to carry over to your other ventures as well. Do not pass this up.

More prizes will be announced soon!

Are You Going To Enter?

I’m really interested to hear if you plan on entering, and how you plan to make sure these prizes end up going to you. Feel free to send me an email or leave a comment down below sharing your idea.

And of course, if you have any questions or there’s anything I can help you with, let me know!

Click Here To Learn More About The MyBlogU Content Zero to Blogging Hero Challenge!

About the author 

James McAllister

James is the owner of He started his first blog at the age of 11, and has since gone on to start several successful businesses. In total, these businesses have sold hundreds of thousands of units and have touched millions of lives. Here on, he shares his knowledge that brought him to where he is today. If you want to connect with James, follow him on your favorite social networks!

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    1. Hi Ann!

      My pleasure. I know there is tremendous value in working with you and your team and I know that whoever wins is in for a real treat.

      I would love to enter myself if only I had the time. I did start a new niche site a while back that would have stood a real shot – if only this fantastic opportunity was available to me back then!


    1. Hi Kabie! Good to meet you.

      The offer is fantastic. The value of working with somebody as experienced and knowledgable as Ann Smarty is huge. The free hosting as you mentioned is a great offer as well.

      Thanks for stopping by Kabie!


  1. I plan to enter, James. I’ve an idea for a website that needed a push like this to help get it going. I stay so busy working for others, I seldom take time to work on my own stuff. And working with Ann Smarty is always an honor.


    1. Hi Don! Thanks for stopping by.

      That is great to hear. I love that this contest is going to push people to move forward and take on a new project they’ve been reluctant to start – I know there are quite a few people in this boat.

      If there’s anything I can do to help you as you take on this new website feel free to send me an email!


  2. Hello James,
    I read about that Myblogu contest sometime ago and i think its a very brilliant idea. This is the kind of contest that will always induce someone to take action on something.

    I’m optin into it as well, still conducting niche research and will certainly be through before the deadline.

    Thanks for sharing.


  3. Anything that Ann does is with the best intent, so it would be silly to pass up on a challenge, or even a platform that she offers bloggers.

    I’ve already entered this contest, and I’m looking forward to see if my new blog’s numbers can beat out my other blogs within the 6 months. I’m hoping so!

    I’m not sure the prizes will go to me, but I’m going to utilize MyBlogU for everything it offers, which is a prize in itself. Unique content ideas, ability to create long and unique content quickly, and increased social sharing are just a few of the benefits that I’ve experienced in past challenges. Totally recommend it!


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