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Should entrepreneurs learn to program? Should everybody learn to program?

This has been a debate going on for quite a number of years now, and the answer isn’t entirely clear. On one end of the argument, most entrepreneurs don’t write code, and get by just fine. On the opposite end, many people believe that not knowing how to program will one day be akin to not knowing how to read or write.

One thing is clear – the world is being increasingly ran by computers, and as entrepreneurs – creators, we can benefit immensely by knowing how to create our own software for these machines.

In fact, even a very basic understanding of programming can be transformative for some businesses, even those not working in the tech sector.

I must warn you, however. While I’m going to be sharing with you a lot of benefits that will sound very enticing, please keep this in mind – learning to code is not a prerequisite for entrepreneurial success. It is definitely possible to build a massive company without writing a single line of code (just ask Steve Jobs!) In fact, learning something just for the sake of learning it never is particularly useful. You must have a practical plan to implement it in order for a skill like this to become valuable.

Let this article serve as an eye-opener, exposing you to the benefits that learning to program has to offer, and helping you decide for yourself whether it’s worth spending further time on.

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When it comes to making major life decisions, nothing is ever easy.

Often, one decision can ultimately affect us years into the future, and looking forward, it isn’t always clear what decision is the right one. We may think we have an idea, but we never truly know for sure.

Therefore, rather than trying to predict the future, let’s take the smart approach. Let’s go over a bunch of potential scenarios, analyze your own life, and help you come to a position that best aligns with your long-term values and goals.

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Running a business is hard. Running a business by yourself is even harder.

When you’re doing things on your own, you’re responsible for everything. Every little aspect that goes into running a business is put on your shoulders.

This balancing act is tough, and it’s no wonder why so many new entrepreneurs don’t make it.

In this article, let’s look over some of the most important skills for solopreneurs to develop, if their goal is to eventually grow to massive levels.

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What do you think of when you hear the word?

The dictionary defines obsessed as “an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person’s mind.”

You’re obsessed with something when it dominates your thinking, when it’s constantly on your mind.

I don’t know about you, but many people consider obsession to be something negative. Something to be avoided. If you are obsessed with something, you need to step back, relax, and focus on something new.

But I disagree.

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When’s the last time you’ve paid good money to purchase a product that will make you a better blogger?

When’s the last time you’ve ordered a book, purchased a training course, or signed up for a program that will grow your knowledge of business, marketing, or entrepreneurship?

How much time do you allocate towards growing your own personal skill set?

If you’re like most people in the world today, you ignore these things completely. And by doing so, you end up like most other people in the world today – unsuccessful, unhappy, and in huge financial trouble.

Now let me ask you one more question – is that the type of life you want to live?

I didn’t think so.

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What have you done today?

No, seriously. I want you to sit and ponder this for a moment. From the moment you woke up to right now, I want you to think about what you have done today. Don’t just say you worked. Be specific.


Now I want you to think for a moment about what your goals are. What is it you want most out of life? Why did you start blogging? What is it you are looking forward to?

One last thing – I want you to ask yourself one final question. Are the actions you’ve taken so far today helping you achieve the goals you’ve set out for yourself? Are you taking action in great enough quantities to be certain beyond a doubt that your dreams are going to become a reality?

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