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When it comes to choosing an affiliate program plugin for your WordPress website, it’s very important to make the right choice from the beginning.

Unlike so many other plugin choices, this one doesn’t only affect you. Once you have affiliates registered on your blog or website and they’re actively earning commissions, it will be far more difficult to switch systems later. Even if you’re able to migrate accounts and data, it can be difficult to get everything transitioned seamlessly if you decide you want to change plugins later.

I don’t say this to scare you, but to illustrate an important point – this is a topic you’ll really want to research before you commit to any final decisions.

In this article, I will be covering the top affiliate management plugs for WordPress – comparing and contrasting them against each other, to help you decide which plugin is best for your affiliate program. Note that this is solely based around plugins that are designed to help you run your own affiliate program for your products and services. This list does not include any plugins to help you with affiliate marketing itself.

Let’s get into it!

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One question I commonly get from website owners – both bloggers as well as eCommerce store owners, is the value of Pinterest traffic.

Is Pinterest traffic worth anything? How does Pinterest traffic convert? Should I actively be focusing on my Pinterest strategy?

To be fair, I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with Pinterest traffic.

On one hand, my baby product brand, which is a wonderful market for Pinterest in general, gets a ton of traffic from Pinterest. It was by far our biggest traffic source from social media, and for a long time was our biggest traffic source period.

At the same time, it was also our poorest converting traffic source – converting 7x worse than organic Google traffic over the course of a year.

Why is that, and is there anything you can do to make Pinterest traffic more valuable? I’ll cover both of these in just a moment.

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How many email subscribers do you need to make money? This is a question that I get asked quite frequently, and unfortunately it doesn’t always have a straightforward answer.

While I won’t be able to give you an exact number to strive for, I’d like to point out some variables that can affect your earnings per subscriber, and try to help you come up with an accurate target for yourself. Because while it is certainly possible to make money even with a very small mailing list, it’s also possible to have thousands of subscribers and still not earn very much.

Therefore, anybody that tells you that you need X amount of subscribers to make X amount of money, does not understand what they’re talking about.

To gain a better estimate however, let’s look at a few variables:

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Having spent over $100,000 in Amazon pay-per-click ads in 2019 across of hundreds of campaigns, I’ve learned a lot of lessons that wouldn’t have been obvious at the beginning.

Relatively speaking, Amazon PPC is still a relatively new platform, and it is constantly evolving. New tools and advertising strategies are coming out all the time, and there isn’t as much known about the platform vs something like Adwords or Facebook ads.

Therefore, I wanted to release this post to share all of my key findings over the last year.

Let’s look over some key Amazon pay-per-click strategies that have been helping me to reduce ACoS and make more sales on Amazon!

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Social media is great for building a following, but the biggest mistake entrepreneurs make is stopping its power there.

It’s nice to see your following growing, and receive likes on all of your posts. It truly is. However, likes won’t pay your bills, and a following won’t do much for your business if it can’t be monetized at some point down the line.

Contrary to popular belief, social media is still an incredibly powerful tool for actually generating future customers. However, it requires a strategy that helps to move people from one stage to the next. And if you keep structuring your social strategy to generate awareness, you’ll never get those people anywhere close to spending money with you.

Therefore, I encourage you to read through this article carefully. It is one of the most important articles on social media that I’ve ever written. By following the advice, you’ll learn how you can start generating real income from your existing following (even if it’s not very large) and grow your overall audience profitably all at the same time.

Let’s start with the first stage – the one most business owners never move far beyond.

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When it comes to selling digital products – especially courses, there are a few routes you can take.

On one-hand, you can release your course as a one-off payment. The customer purchases it, and they have access to it forever.

On the other hand, there has been a rise in membership sites / subscription services – entrepreneurs offering access to all of their courses, for a recurring monthly fee.

I’ve spent a lot of time pondering what option I wanted to pursue myself, and had the opportunity to really dive deep into the pros and cons for each strategy.

In this article, I want to help you make your decision, by covering the advantages of disadvantages to selling online courses in a flat, one-time fee, vs a recurring membership option. I don’t think there is a clear best choice for everybody, so I’m going to help you decide what the best option is for you.

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