Note: The domain name for this website has been changed since this article has been published, from “” to “”. I left the original name in to help demonstrate the main points of this article.
These days, one of the most challenging parts of getting your website up on the internet is simply choosing a domain name. Because the internet is growing at such a rapid rate, more and more domain names are being taken and finding a decent unregistered one.  Believe it or not, it took 3 people, over 200 different ideas and 5 hours to decide on the name of some of my websites. Quite the challenge, right? And guess what, some of those I ended up scrapping due to some silly mistakes, and buying a new domain. Despite the time and money wasted, I learned a heck of a lot through these mistakes, and now I’m going to teach you what I did wrong so you don’t make the same mistakes.