Do you like hard work? Yeah, I don’t either. Do you like money on autopilot? Who doesn’t, right? A successful forum can give a lot money with little or no effort on your part, since the members generate most of your content. But how hard is it to start a forum? There are a few steps required to start a forum, but doing so can be an extremely rewarding experience. 

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Wordpress vs Disqus

These days, we have a ton of different comment systems to choose from for our WordPress powered blogs. We have Livefyre. We have Disqus. We have social media commenting systems such as Facebook and Google+ comments.  And of course, we have WordPress’ native, default comment system. The two most popular of these being Disqus, and WordPress comments. But which is the best one for your blog? You may be surprised! 

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With the internet growing more popular than it ever has before, it’s no surprise that more and more people want to get a website online. Whether it be for a business, or just a way to get your thoughts out there to the world, the process is exactly the same. Luckily for you, the process is actually pretty easy. In fact, you only need two things to get your website up and running.

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Although it’s completely possible to have a successful website without being indexed and ranked on the major search engines, it sure helps a heck of a lot. After all, how cool would it be to get free, effortless, targeted traffic to your website? It’s pretty great, in fact, niche websites thrive on it. So what are you waiting for anyway? 

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Note: The domain name for this website has been changed since this article has been published, from “” to “”. I left the original name in to help demonstrate the main points of this article.

These days, one of the most challenging parts of getting your website up on the internet is simply choosing a domain name. Because the internet is growing at such a rapid rate, more and more domain names are being taken and finding a decent unregistered one.  Believe it or not, it took 3 people, over 200 different ideas and 5 hours to decide on the name of some of my websites. Quite the challenge, right? And guess what, some of those I ended up scrapping due to some silly mistakes, and buying a new domain. Despite the time and money wasted, I learned a heck of a lot through these mistakes, and now I’m going to teach you what I did wrong so you don’t make the same mistakes.

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