We’ve always been told that in order to be successful online, you need traffic. You need traffic to make money. You need traffic to gain followers. You need traffic to achieve all of your goals online. If you ever want to have a successful online business, you need a large audience, and consistent traffic coming into your website.

All of the above statements are wrong. Traffic to your website doesn’t matter. 

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When Adsense was first released, you were only allowed to have one ad unit on a web page at one time. However, since then, Google has increased the amount of units you’re allowed to have up to three. But is using all 3 available units actually a good idea? Did you know it’s actually possible to increase your profit by displaying less ads? Ironic, right? Here’s why. 

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When starting a new blog, one of the most questionable things is how often you should update it. How often you should publish a new blog post. Some say that if you want to rank above your competitors, you need to publish a new article everyday. But is this true? Should you blog everyday? 

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Note: This post is now considered to be outdated, as Authorship was not rolled out fully due to poor adoption. While Google still shows interests in pursuing some sort of authority ranking for content creators themselves, the specifics mentioned in this post are no longer relevant.

Ranking in search engines is so much different than it used to be. When search engines were new, you were able to rank highly in Google just for mentioning your target keywords multiple times on each of your pages. These days, it’s not that easy. In fact, it’s getting harder and harder to rank highly in Google, which is why you need to start building your Author Rank now. 

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Viral vs Organic Traffic

Which of these two options sound better to you? One, you could have a blog post go viral, bringing thousands of visitors to your website in one day. Or two, you could have one well optimized post that brings you a small amount of organic traffic (that is, traffic from search engines) each day. A lot of people would choose option one – how cool would it be to see hundreds of shares on one of your post, hundreds of visitors browsing your website at one time, right? Well guess what – a lot of people are wrong. The steady organic traffic would by far be the best option, and here’s why. 

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