Coming up with new blog post ideas can be difficult. While at one point you probably had hundreds of ideas you could’ve written about, those ideas are all gone and now you’re left with nothing. Don’t worry – it happens to all of us at one point or another.

However, it’s extremely important to have a reservoir of great blog topics, so you can spend more time writing and less time brainstorming. Here is the ultimate guide to coming up with great blog post ideas, so you’ll never be without an article topic ever again. 

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If you’ve ever taken the time to analyze other blogs in your niche, I’m willing to bet you’ve come across some that are doing quite well, but absolutely suck.

Their content is sub-par at best, does not go into anything specific, and is barely written in English.

Posts are short and unhelpful, ads are everywhere, and you couldn’t imagine why anyone would bother to spend time on their site when there are so many better alternatives available.

Yet, despite the fact that the website is absolutely horrible, the website is outranking you and is attracting far more visitors than you could imagine receiving. How exactly are these low-quality blogs doing better than you? 

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No matter how talented you are, how experienced you are, or how much money you’re making, every entrepreneur and blogger has the same problem:

There are only 24 hours in a day.

Factor in your human needs and obligations and you’re left with a relatively limited time to work hard and get stuff done.

Unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing that can be done to change the flow of time. Therefore, it’s important to make the most out of the time that you’ve got, and save as much of it as possible.

Here are 6 ways to write your blog posts more quickly and productively, allowing you to free up more time to market them and make more money!

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How many times have you heard something like this:

“Don’t worry about the money”

“Don’t monetize your site if you want people to respect you”

“Work for free now and profit later.”

…Are you kidding me?

These types of people are selling you feel-good lies and playing on your morals to make themselves look good. Worst of all, they are part of the reason you’re not making more money.


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Passive income. Throw it up there, monetize it, sit back and collect checks. Sounds nice, doesn’t it?

Honestly, I think everyone’s dream is to continue to make money without doing any additional work. To rid yourself of financial troubles without ridding yourself of your time. To free yourself to a life of happiness.

But can a blog itself accomplish this? Is passive income from blogging actually possible?

Yes and no. 

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If you can break into them, creating a blog in a competitive niche can be extremely rewarding. Competition is a sign of a healthy market – there is money being spent left and right and there are likely a ton of different products to promote.

However, where there is money there are savvy marketers and entrepreneurs looking to collect it. You’ll have a harder time breaking into a competitive niche, but it’s certainly possible. For those looking to build a long-term business, working in a competitive market such as health, wealth, or dating can be a great choice.

Here are 5 easy steps to succeed in a competitive market.

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