Last Updated on January 10, 2022 by James McAllister

By: James McAllister


I’m excited to announce that I’ll be releasing my first video course this week, Blogging For Money: Starting Your Very Own Web Business!

This course is loosely based off of my first book on blogging for profit, which has since been pulled off the shelves as I wasn’t satisfied with its quality. Blogging For Money: Starting Your Very Own Web Business has improved upon the book, adding additional detail and covering more topics.

The course will cost $97 and contains ~2 hours of video content. The version that will be published on this site will contain a number of additional bonuses, which I am still developing.

An alternate version will be available on Udemy and other similar e-Learning websites.

The various sections and videos are as follows:

Section 1: Introduction

Introduction To Me And The Course

Why Blogging Is So Powerful

Section Two: Getting Your Website Online

Choosing A Niche

Choosing A Domain Name

Purchasing Web Hosting

Installing WordPress + Setting Up A Custom Email Address

Section Three: Creating Content

Three Vital Pages Every Blog Must Have

Tracking Your Visitors (GWT + Analytics)

How To Create Content That Makes Money

How To Come Up With Infinite Blog Post Ideas

Supporting Content With Images And Media

Before You Hit That Publish Button…

Section Four: Gaining Traffic

Attracting The Right People + The Purpose Of Traffic

Making Your Site Search Engine Friendly

Understanding Backlinks

The Truth On Search Engines

YouTube + What Makes A Great Video

Succeeding With Social Media

Forum Posting

Blog Commenting

Networking + Guest Blogging

Retaining Your Visitors

Content Is King

Section Five: Making Money

Google Adsense

Affiliate Marketing


Ad Space + Sponsored Posts

Creating Your Own Product

Selling Your Services

The Key To Maximizing Earnings

Section Six: Conclusion

Conclusion Video


If you’re interested in promoting this course,  send me some information about you and your audience and I may send you a review copy. I will pay a 50% commission ($48.5 USD) to affiliates per sale. Admittedly, I am new to the platform I will be using to sell this course (MemberPress) but I assure you that all payments will be made on time.

While not available at this time, I will eventually cross-sell other courses along with this one, which will also offer a 50% commission. Assuming I am able to set it up correctly, you will also earn a 50% commission for every future sale made by somebody you refer.

How You Can Buy This Course

If you’re interested in buying this course, there will be a link on the navigation bar of this site as soon as the course is live. I will also be emailing discount coupons to everyone on my email list, so be sure to sign up if you haven’t already.

I’m really looking forward to the release of this course, and I’m hoping you are too! And of course, if you have any questions, please let me know!

About the author 

James McAllister

James is the owner of He started his first blog at the age of 11, and has since gone on to start several successful businesses. In total, these businesses have sold hundreds of thousands of units and have touched millions of lives. Here on, he shares his knowledge that brought him to where he is today. If you want to connect with James, follow him on your favorite social networks!

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  1. Hi James,

    Congratulations! I’m sure anyone purchasing your course will have your expert advice that works!
    Looks like you have a nice sales funnel in place and I know how difficult it is to set this all up. The affiliate program looks like it is a winner and I’m sure you are working hard at that end.

    This will be appealing to many out there that need the guidance from setting up a site to making money (everyone likes that part lol) I will pass this on.

    Let me know when it is live so I can shout it out for you



    1. Hi Donna!

      I know that for the right person, this course will save hundreds or even thousands of hours worth of time because blogging is a pretty complicated process. With this course, I want to make it as simple as possible and help put people on the right path.

      The testing I’ve done with the affiliate program so far has all been great. Affiliate Royale is a great plugin and although everything has been a bit complicated to set up, I know things will be smooth from here on out.


  2. Hi James

    Much happy to know finally you have pulled your socks to make this idea hit the market with a big bang.

    I am sure this will be a great product as evinced from the contents and the format of video has wider appeal than the text based contents because of the element of interest in it.

    I is also good to know you are going to float it with your own affiliate setup and this will ultimately make you its distributor with so many wholesaler and retailers on commission basis.

    Best of luck for its very success


    1. Hi Mi Muba!

      I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now and I’ve finally got around to making it happen. I’ll be making many more courain ses in the future as well so now that I’ve got experience I know the next one will only be easier.

      The affiliate program is something I’m really excited for. I’ve got the system in place now so all I’ve got to do is create a nice set of affiliate resources to make it easier for affiliates to do their job.

      Good to see you here again Mi Muba!


  3. Hi James,

    Good stuffs man. Shared this and I think you are going to nail this!

    Keep it up buddy. You know you are on the right track!


  4. Hi James

    Your course sounds to be exactly what some of my readers need and I very much look forward to learning more about it and seeing the finished version.

    I shall very much look forward to promoting it for you as, having seen your previous work, I am sure it will be of the highest quality.

    Please keep me posted, Joy


  5. Hi James,

    I’m really interested in your course: believe me, when I was starting out, I would have paid any amount to learn what you are offering…the greatest selling point of your course, I believe, is the fact that it is presented in a video format. I’m certain every single person who buys this course will have enough reason to be proud.

    When you launch, kindly notify me: it would be a joy helping you promote.

    Do make the day great!

    Akaahan Terungwa


    1. Hi Akaahan!

      Glad to hear you’re interested in the course. If a course like this one was available to me when I started out, there is no doubt in my mind I would’ve paid for it because it would have saved me so much time. The truth is that I spent a lot of time on projects that never really had any money making potential and made so many mistakes that are quite obvious to me looking back now. With this course, I aim to steer people towards success and away from the failures I experienced myself.

      I’ll let you know when the affiliate program is ready. It’s about 90% there but I’m still working to build it up further.

      Good to see you again Akaahan!


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