Are you thinking about unarchiving a post on Instagram, and are wondering what will happen?

Archiving and unarchiving posts has its own set of benefits that many people aren’t aware of. However, what actually happens when you go to do it?

In this article, I’ll be answering all of these questions, so you’ll know exactly what to expect when you go to unarchive the post.

Let’s get started!

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Is there someone that’s found your Spotify profile, and you want to remove them as a follower?

The truth is, some of us would rather keep our music tastes private, and avoid sharing what we’ve been listening to with others.

So, in this article, I’ll be showing you how you can remove a follower on Spotify for good, and even make your Spotify profile private so nothing can be seen – even if someone new finds you in the future.

Let’s get into it!

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Are you sending a DM to someone on Instagram, and are wondering whether or not you can screenshot the conversation without them knowing?

Or perhaps, you’re worried that they’re the ones saving a copy.

This can lead you to wonder – does Instagram actually notify the other person if a screenshot was taken? What about screen recordings?

In this article, I’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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Did you notice that your Spotify username is made up of random letters and numbers?

Not only does this look unappealing, but it’s also confusing – especially if you didn’t ask for that random username.

So, why does this happen, and how do you change your name on Spotify so people will be able to find you?

In this article, I’ll be covering everything that you need to know!

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Are you curious if there are any ways to message other users on Spotify – or whether artists can send messages to their fans?

There are plenty of good uses for this, including the ability to more easily collaborate on playlists, give feedback, and share ideas.

So, does Spotify have any messaging features and if so, how do you use them?

In this article, I’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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