Are you hoping to use your laptop while it’s plugged in, and want to know whether it’s safe to do so?

With laptops, you’ve got to really worry about things like heat and the lifespan of the battery, so it’s good to be concerned about this.

So, can you safely use a laptop while it’s charging, and what should you keep in mind while doing so? In this article, I’ll be covering everything that you need to know!

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Are you looking at a new computer that has 12 gigabytes of RAM, and you’re wondering whether it will be enough?

The truth is, modern RAM requirements are higher than ever. While 12 gigabytes may be plenty for certain tasks, it may not be enough for certain things you may want to do on your computer.

So, how will you know if it’s enough for you? In this article, I’ll be covering whether 12 gigabytes is enough for many different use cases, so you’ll know what to expect going forward.

That way, you can decide whether or not you need to upgrade to 16 gigabytes, or you could even save money by dropping down to 8.

Without any further ado, let’s get started!

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Are you an Android user, and are wondering if the other person can see you typing?

Or, perhaps you’re using an iPhone, and you want to know whether the other person has even started replying to your message yet.

In either case, this can lead you to wonder – can iPhones see when Android phones are typing? If so, how? If not, why not?

In this article, we’ll be answering all of these questions and more!

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Did you know that there are likely a lot of messages you’ve been sent on Facebook, that are completely hidden away from you?

In fact, if you’ve never checked your spam folder before, you may find that there are hundreds of messages you were never told about!

Thankfully, viewing both your message requests, as well as your spam folder on Facebook is actually pretty easy.

In this article, I’ll show you step-by-step how to access these folders – both on the computer, as well as through the Messenger app on your phone. I’ll also talk a bit about what causes these messages to end up in each folder as well.

Let’s get started!

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Have you noticed that your Ring Video Doorbell camera is showing a solid white circle, that doesn’t seem to be going away?

Whether you’re just setting up your camera for the first time or this recently started happening, don’t worry. There is usually a simple reason behind this, and the fixes are relatively simple as well.

In this article, I’ll be going over 6 different reasons why your Ring Doorbell is showing a solid white color, and what to do to fix it. I’ll also cover a few other signals as well, such as if only part of the circle is lit up, or the lights are blinking.

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