If you were to drop your AirPods or AirPods Pro, how likely are they to break?

This is an important question to ask – especially when you consider how much they cost!

Thankfully, drop tests have been done on both the AirPods as well as the case to see exactly how much damage they can withstand before breaking.

In this article, I’ll be going over the results of those tests. I’ll also share more information about what makes AirPods so durable, and how you can keep them safe!

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Did you know that Facebook shows different shortcuts in its navigation, for each individual user?

It’s true! But what are Facebook’s shortcuts actually based on?

I looked deep into other people’s experiences, and also experimented with the Facebook app myself to try and get the shortcuts to change. Based on my research, I’ve discovered how Facebook choses which icons and features it uses for shortcuts.

So, in this article, I’ll be sharing everything you need to know!

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Are you the owner of an Apple AirTag, and want to be able to track it on two separate devices?

Fortunately, this is possible – but only in some cases. You will need to have your iPhone or iPad set up in the correct way in order for this to be possible.

So, in this article I’ll be showing you how you can an AirTag to two or more iPhones, two or more iPads, or any combination of them.

Let’s get started!

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Are you thinking about putting your microSD card in another phone, and are wondering what will happen?

Although SD cards are a convenient way to move files between phones quickly, they can also pose a security risk if you’re not careful.

So, in this article I’ll be covering what happens when you move your SD card between phones, how to keep your files safe, as well as whether or not viruses / malware can transfer between phones this way.

Let’s get to it!

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Do you want to add photos to your Facebook account, but you don’t want them to get pushed out to other people’s news feeds?

Thankfully, doing so is actually quite easy!

Currently, you have two options. You can either make them completely private (so only you or specific people can view them), or you can leave them publicly on the photos section of your profile, but avoid pushing them to people’s news feeds.

In this article, I will show you how to do both of these options. Additionally, I will also show you how to privatize or ‘recall’ photos that you’ve already accidentally published. This works for any type of photo that you upload – even profile pictures!

Let’s get started!

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