Last Updated on January 10, 2022 by James McAllister

By: James McAllister


If you’ve been sending a lot of traffic to Amazon landing pages, but you’re not earning many commissions, this can be incredibly frustrating.

We all know that increased traffic numbers areĀ supposedĀ to correlate directly with a higher number of sales. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always paint a full picture. Other than simply traffic numbers, there is a number of factors that determine how much money you will make from Amazon’s affiliate program.

In this instance, low conversion tends to point to a single problem, however.

Low conversion is almost entirely due to the quality of the traffic youā€™re sending to the sales pages.

As marketers, it’s important that we understand an important fundamental principal – not every visitor or click is the same. Some are more valuable than others, and 50 targeted clicks can be more powerful than 500 untargeted clicks.

Targeting Buyers

Every customer goes through different stages before committing to a purchase. Generally speaking, the more expensive the product, the longer the sales cycle will be. Interested consumers will spend more time researching and weighing their options. Decisions will take longer, and they may visit the sales page several times before the buy.

As an affiliate, your goal is to help move interested potential buyers further along their journey. You want to not only make them aware that the product exists, but help to demonstrate its value. Paint a picture of how the product will fit into their mind, and overcome any objections they’re telling themselves, that will prevent a sale.

This is why it can be so helpful to do deep research on what type of person would want to buy that product, or better yet, actually purchase and use the item yourself.

But if you want to earn a commission, it starts with people who actually stand a shot at converting in the first place.

Therefore, how you acquire the traffic is of utmost importance.

For example, writing a review article on a specific product is far more valuable than just casually linking to it in some random conversation. Put yourself in the customer’s mindset for a moment. The people seeking out reviews are likely already on the fence about purchasing, and just need something to push them over the edge. They already what the product is, and how it can help them.

This is completely different than somebody who is being introduced to a product for the first time.

If you want to make money, target potential buyers, and help them move closer to a purchase on your own.Ā Ultimately, your targeting will make all of the difference.

Despite reduced commissions, the Amazon affiliate program is still incredibly powerful. Target an audience of people who are ready to buy, and your conversion rate will shoot up drastically!

Next Steps

Looking to increase your Amazon affiliate earnings? Consider picking up myĀ Amazon Affiliate Blueprint,Ā which covers strategies and tactics that top affiliates use to maximize their earnings. More information about the Amazon Affiliate Blueprint can be found on my products page by clicking here!

About the author 

James McAllister

James is the owner of He started his first blog at the age of 11, and has since gone on to start several successful businesses. In total, these businesses have sold hundreds of thousands of units and have touched millions of lives. Here on, he shares his knowledge that brought him to where he is today. If you want to connect with James, follow him on your favorite social networks!

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  1. These are nice tips, i am thinking to start affiliate marketing. So, we should keep in mind the convincing techniques for targeted people.


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