Last Updated on January 10, 2022 by James McAllister

By: James McAllister


Are you taking advantage of the world’s 2nd largest search engine?  Are you utilizing potentially the biggest entrance door to your website in existence? Chances are, you’re a regular user of this site. But are you profiting from it?

The fact of the matter is, YouTube is an incredibly powerful resource for your business provided you’re utilizing it as you should. In this article, we will discover the potential benefits of having a YouTube channel for your website. 

1. YouTube Is An Amazing Traffic Source

Again, YouTube is after all the 2nd largest search engine in the world. After Google search, YouTube is the most popular way for people to deliver and receive information. Some people are visual learners, and would rather see or hear an idea rather than read it.  This means that you have a huge advantage over your competitors if you’re on YouTube and your competitors aren’t, simply because you’re able to reach a completely different audience.

YouTube has the potential to drive thousands of high quality, targeted visitors to your website. I like to think of each new video as an entrance door to your website. If you have a video related to your websites niche, you can very easily slip a link to your website in the description, or promote it within your video.

2. YouTube Is Another Monetization Method

YouTube can be a nice money maker as well, and who doesn’t want to make more money? Google no longer requires you to become a full YouTube partner to begin monetizing your videos. As long as your videos are legally allowed to be uploaded, you’re allowed to throw ads on them with a push of a button. The average CPM is around $6.70, which can be a nice little boost to your income over time. Best of all, you can tie it to your existing Adsense account to make payment even easier.

3. YouTube Is Great For SEO

Type a query into Google. Chances are, at least one of the results will be a video. Google does a great job at promoting videos within Google Search, and high quality videos can rank in Google quite easily. This leads to even more targeted traffic to your videos, which in turn, ends up to targeted traffic to your website. It’s also important to mention that links on video pages are dofollow, and will count as a backlink towards your website. Of course, quality links are far more important than quantity, so making a bunch of junk videos with links to your website will hurt you more than it helps you.

4. YouTube Helps Build Relationships

Relationship building is more important than ever for online businesses. If people don’t trust you, they’re not going to buy your products, period. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways we can build relationships with our viewers. One of the best ways to do this is to start a YouTube channel for your website.

Let’s think about it for a moment – YouTube is a whole different way of delivering information. On a traditional blog or website, the reader is simply reading text in their own voice. When you jump onto YouTube, they’re suddenly listening to you, it’s almost as if you’re talking right there with them. They can see your face and hear your voice, allowing them to see that there is actually a real person behind the business. This does wonders in terms of trust and relationship building.

5. Little Marketing Is Needed For YouTube

Update: While views still tend to grow exponentially, I would no longer consider the heading of this section true.

Google does a great job at making sure it gets relevant videos to its users. As long as your niche isn’t extremely competitive, often times you can simply upload the video, optimize your keywords in the description, tags, and title, and then leave YouTube to do its job. Videos often take time to catch on, but the views tend to grow exponentially.

I actually have a story with this one. When I was about 9 years old and YouTube was in its early stages, I uploaded a video of myself juggling and dancing at the same time. I’m not quite sure what happened, but I checked back last year to see the video had over 250,000 views. Somewhere along the line, it got picked up, and promoted a lot through the related videos section on YouTube’s sidebar. Of course, I removed the video as soon as I saw it and deleted the channel, as it was quite embarrassing. Still, this shows the power of YouTube – I did no marketing whatsoever (I didn’t even know what the word meant at the time) yet the video was still able to reach a quarter of a million people. Incredible, if you ask me!

There are many other benefits of starting a YouTube channel for your business, but these have to be some of the greatest ones. It’s time to take advantage of this amazing platform, and start making videos! Believe me, you’ll thank me later.

If you haven’t started a YouTube channel, I’m curious to hear what’s been holding you back. And for those of you who have already started a YouTube channel, I’d love to hear your success stories.

About the author 

James McAllister

James is the owner of He started his first blog at the age of 11, and has since gone on to start several successful businesses. In total, these businesses have sold hundreds of thousands of units and have touched millions of lives. Here on, he shares his knowledge that brought him to where he is today. If you want to connect with James, follow him on your favorite social networks!

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  1. Hi James,

    I totally agree with all the points you have mentioned about YouTube. There are millions of people using the platform and there is a greater possibility that we can get mush traffic from it.
    We can share our knowledge to people who are seeking related to the topic to know.

    Thanks for the post.
    Have a great weekend.:)



  2. Hey James,

    You again shared some amazing youtube tips here and with this in view, I’ll make to take my youtube channel from the next coming months, perhaps January when I’m sure to have raised enough funds to buy the tools you recommended to me via our email chat.

    Thanks for sharing these tips, James. You’re the best!



  3. Hello James! It was a nice read honestly, but I don't quite understand some things you said. What did you mean by "Google no longer requires you to become a full YouTube partner to begin monetizing your videos. As long as your videos are legally allowed to be uploaded, you’re allowed to throw ads on them"? Are you talking about sponsored ads by other companies directly or what?

    Thank you


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