Udemy is one of the most wonderful places to learn new skills online.

With over 175,000 courses taught by over 60,000 different instructions, you’re now able to learn almost anything from the comfort of your home.

Combine that with the fact that Udemy also runs frequent sales, and it’s no wonder they’ve amassed so many students.

But how valuable are these courses (and the certification that comes with them) for getting a job? Do employers care that you’ve taken Udemy courses, and should you put them down on your resume?

As someone who has taught thousands of students on Udemy, I’ve learned a lot about how people use the platform. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Udemy certificates, and how they can be used to help you get a job.

Do Employers Value Udemy Certificates?

Unfortunately, may not necessarily aid in getting a job. While they can help to demonstrate your willingness to grow and improve your skill set, they do not carry the same sort of weight as a degree from an accredited school, or a specialized certification from reputable institutions.

When you think about this, it sort of makes sense. However, you must think about it from an employer’s perspective.

Employers trust college degrees because of the standard that accredited schools have to uphold. Employers (who may be picking from hundreds of candidates) do not have the time or resources to investigate each and every program that’s listed on a candidate’s resume. However, if you have an accredited degree from a college or university in the required field, it can be reasonably assumed that you possess the knowledge you need to perform the job that you’re applying for.

Unfortunately, Udemy doesn’t have this sort of credibility.

Just about anyone can upload a course to Udemy. Courses range from extremely high-quality to flat out junk. There is no way for Udemy to verify whether or not the information is correct or up-to-date, and although there are some truly fantastic courses available on the platform, there is no way for employers to know about this unless they’ve taken the course themselves.

Additionally, Udemy course certificates are issued automatically after all modules in the course have been completed. Many courses don’t have any sort of testing, and you don’t even have to be at your computer to receive the certificate.

As long as all of the videos have been completed (whether you actually watch them or not), you will be awarded with a certificate.

In fact, you don’t even have to go through the lecture anymore – if you check all the lecture boxes as complete, Udemy will grant you the certificate.

Therefore, it’s no wonder that employers can’t rely on the certificates alone – there is no way to prove they were even earned, or that the course you took had any real practical value.

The Advantage Of Udemy Course Certificates

There is a bright side to this, however.

While employers are unlikely to base their hiring decisions off of Udemy certificates alone, most employers would agree that it’s valuable to have someone on your team that is actively working to improve themselves.

Employers love to see that you are going above and beyond, and are continue to develop your skills beyond just formal education.

This is especially true if you work in fields that change quickly, such as technology or computer programming.

The truth is, so many people consider themselves to be done learning as soon as they graduate with their degree. However, skills fade over time and in today’s competitive marketplace, showing a commitment to growth makes you stand out among a crowd of others.

Therefore, taking relevant Udemy courses may still aid you in getting a job, and help you excel in your new role.

Should You Include Udemy Certificates On Your CV / Resume?

Udemy courses that you’ve taken are worth mentioning on your resume, provided they are relevant to the job that you are applying for.

However, what’s equally as important is that you still retain and can apply the information that you’ve learned throughout the course.

Employers are not just looking for your education background, but on practical skills that you’ll actually be able to apply in the workplace.

Additionally, if you’ve taken a large number of courses (dozens or more), it may not be worth listing all of them out, nor should you attach all of your printed course certificates. No employer wants to go through a giant stack of certifications from online course websites like Udemy.

However, you can include a note on your resume notifying your potential employer that all of this information is available upon request. This makes it clear that more information is available to them should they wish to delve into it further, without cluttering up your resume.

Should You List Your Completed Udemy Courses On LinkedIn?

Now that we’ve talked about your resume, let’s focus elsewhere. Should you list your completed Udemy courses on LinkedIn?

As long as the courses are relevant to the field that you’re looking to work in, it does make sense to include them on your LinkedIn profile.

Recruiters use LinkedIn both to find potential candidates for open roles within their company, as well as during the hiring process.

Anything you can do to stand out – especially at these early stages, can only benefit you.

Therefore, including any extra education on your LinkedIn profile (including Udemy courses) may lead to opportunities, when you otherwise would have been glanced over.

Are Udemy Courses Accredited?

No. Udemy is not an accredited institution, and the overwhelming majority of courses will not give you any college credit.

However, there are a very small number of courses provide CPD or CEU credits that are available upon request.

Unless you specifically know beforehand, you should avoid taking any Udemy courses simply because you believe they may provide any sort of credits.

Instead, you should inquire with your education provider for more information.

Again – while Udemy certificates do not provide any sort of accreditation, they may still be useful to demonstrate your commitment to growth.

Are Certificates From Udemy Worth It?

Udemy Certificate Example
An example certificate from Udemy.

You shouldn’t sign up for a course on Udemy for the certificate alone.

The certificates themselves do not hold much inherent value. Rather, you should take a course on Udemy with the intent of fully paying attention, and developing the skill that the class is teaching.

If you want the course to truly benefit you when it comes to your job, it is critical that you’re actually able to use and demonstrate the skill that you learned during the course.

Therefore, the course content should determine whether or not the course is worth taking. The certificate is secondary.

What Job-Related Skills Can You Learn On Udemy?

So far, we’ve covered a lot of information regarding Udemy courses, Udemy certificates, and their role in the hiring process.

While they will not replace formal education, you can truly learn a lot of skills on Udemy that will help you excel in your career.

Let’s look over some examples now.

  • Graphic Design (Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom, illustration, design theory)
  • Computer Programming (Python, SQL, C++, C#, Java, Go, JavaScript, PHP, R, Swift)
  • Business / Entrepreneurship (Marketing, finance, accounting, logistics, supply chain management, management, sales, copywriting)
  • Technical skills (AWS, Excel, Microsoft Azure, PowerPoint, computer networking, computer security)
  • Personal development (Time management, productivity, organization, stress management, mindset)
  • Creative skills (Musical instruments, videography, photography, game development)

These are only a few examples.

With over 175,000 different courses, you’re bound to find a class on almost everything – taught by experts with real experience.

As you can see, some of these can be quite valuable for an employer! In order to make things easier, it’s best to stick with the courses that are most relevant for your job. Additionally, by picking popular courses with lots of positive reviews, you can be sure that the course you’re investing in is actually worth your money.


Udemy course certificates won’t earn you a job – at least not directly.

While Udemy certificates may not be accredited, they can still demonstrate that you’re committed to growing your professional skillset. Employers and headhunters should recognize this, and therefore Udemy classes may indirectly help you secure a job as a result.

However, they should not be relied on in place of traditional education, and you shouldn’t be surprised if your potential employer disregards it completely.

I hope that you’ve found this article helpful. If you have any questions about Udemy certificates or you want to share your experiences, please feel free to leave a comment down below.

Thank you for reading, and I’m wishing you the best!

– James McAllister

About the author 

James McAllister

James is the owner of JamesMcAllisterOnline.com. He started his first blog at the age of 11, and has since gone on to start several successful businesses. In total, these businesses have sold hundreds of thousands of units and have touched millions of lives. Here on JamesMcAllisterOnline.com, he shares his knowledge that brought him to where he is today. If you want to connect with James, follow him on your favorite social networks!

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