A little less than a year ago, I quit college to pursue entrepreneurship full time. 

Some say I was foolish for turning down a fully-funded education. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Like most entrepreneurs, you and I want to be successful. We want to be the greatest people we can possibly be. If that weren’t true, you wouldn’t be here reading this right now.

Those who truly become great are those who keep growing. The people that keep learning and improving. And for those people, their education never really ends.

As I write this, I sit next to over 200 books that I have purchased over the years regarding topics such as building wealth, investing, entrepreneurship, self-improvement, and building a successful mindset. At a minimum, I read at least one of these books a month, though I’m often able to get through 2-3 a week.

I firmly believe that I owe a lot of who I am today due to the insights and advice these books have given me. While not all of them are directly related to blogging, I would like to share of these books with you that I believe every blogger should read. 

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From Social Media Beginner To Expert In 33 Days by Joy Healey

We live in a very social world.  Wherever you look, social media surrounds us. Every day, we’re bombarded with messages to connect on social networks. This is not going to change anytime soon.

Needless to say, companies around the globe are using social media to engage with their potential customers and ultimately make more money. So why shouldn’t you do the same?

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If I had told you that someone could write an 80 page e-Book just on blog commenting, you’d probably look at me like I was crazy. Blog commenting, really? It’s something that seemed so simple. Something so small, it’s often overlooked.

However, this book opens your eyes as to how large of an impact blog commenting can actually have. Here is my review for Blogging From Paradise: How To Build an Online Empire through Blog Commenting, by Ryan Biddulph.

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