Last Updated on January 10, 2022 by James McAllister

By: James McAllister


From Social Media Beginner To Expert In 33 Days by Joy Healey

We live in a very social world.  Wherever you look, social media surrounds us. Every day, we’re bombarded with messages to connect on social networks. This is not going to change anytime soon.

Needless to say, companies around the globe are using social media to engage with their potential customers and ultimately make more money. So why shouldn’t you do the same?

I’m going to be honest with you – I was never really a social media guy. I knew the basics, I knew the potential, but I never really put a ton of effort into social media and took the whole thing seriously.

Now I know that was a big mistake, and social media is going to becoming increasingly important from here on out. So I decided to go for it.

Twitter Followers

Turns out it wasn’t quite as scary as I thought. 🙂

Still, I was no expert. Not even close. Though with the right knowledge, I knew 2015 could be the year I finally tapped into the potential of social media.

When I heard Joy Healey had released her new eBook, “From Social Media Beginner To Expert In 33 Days”, I knew it was a book I had wanted to read.

For those who don’t already know Joy, she is a blogger and internet marketer who shares valuable information that will help you build your business. Her site covers a large variety of blogging and business topics, and if you haven’t checked it out already you should do so ASAP because her content is top-notch.

Anyway, to the book itself: there’s a lot of great info in here that any blogger can benefit from. It doesn’t matter if your blog is on marketing or underwater basket weaving, a thorough knowledge of social media is going to help you make more sales.

However, having an understanding of the networks is not enough. You have to know which networks are actually worth being active on, and then know how to utilize those networks for maximum effect. You have to create posts that really connect with your followers, which is why Joy dedicated two entire chapters towards structuring your posts for maximum engagement. 

A lot of other important topics are covered as well, such as automation and finding images to share.

It should come as no surprise that images play a huge part in social media success. Not only are they far more likely to be seen while your target audience is browsing, but they also can be seen by entirely new people.

This is especially true with Facebook. If you own a fanpage and post an update with an image, anybody that likes or comments on that image will have the image pushed to their newsfeeds for all of their friends to see. This allows you to reach an entirely new audience, bringing in new fans for free. This is one reason why Facebook pages tend to grow exponentionally.

As far as automation goes, there’s a lot of great tools mentioned (both free and paid) that will help you automate your posting on a few different networks. Over the long-term, automating will save you hundreds of hours of time. That’s pretty cool!

But the real question is…

Is It Worth Buying?

Unless you already consider yourself a social media expert, I think there’s something for everybody to gain by purchasing Joy’s book. I personally felt the chapter on automation alone was well worth the cost to me, because the knowledge I gained from reading that chapter alone is bound to save me a ton of time in the future.

I’ll be honest here – this book is a perfect intro for beginners looking to gain a thorough amount of knowledge on social media. Even if you already know a bit, there’s still a lot of new info I’m sure you can benefit from. I’ve been on these networks for years and a lot of information in this book was completely new to me.

Plus, the book comes with a 23-page bonus eBook called “5 Steps To Big Online Profits” as well as access to a private 600+ member group which discusses and covers all aspects of social media.

Really, this book is a steal at only $10. Think about it – only one sale will make back the price of this book, and then some. If you actually take the knowledge contained in this book and put it to use, you’re certain to make money. I’ll say it again – social media is more important than ever, and you’ve got to be a part of it if you’re a business owner.

And I don’t know about you, but if I can pay $10 for knowledge that will make me way more money in the long run, I’d be a fool not to make the investment.

About the author 

James McAllister

James is the owner of He started his first blog at the age of 11, and has since gone on to start several successful businesses. In total, these businesses have sold hundreds of thousands of units and have touched millions of lives. Here on, he shares his knowledge that brought him to where he is today. If you want to connect with James, follow him on your favorite social networks!

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  1. Hi James

    Thanks very much for taking time (over the Christmas holiday in fact!) to read and review my book so thoroughly.

    I was a little nervous when you said you’d review it because I know you’re far from a beginner – so I’m really pleased to hear that someone as experienced as you already are found got value from it.

    It’s also good to see you over in the “group” too. It’s a very active and helpful group suitable for participants at all levels of their online career, so I’m confident you’ll be a valuable and helpful member. After a mini-audit of the sales I’ve made recently, it turns out that most have been as a result of connections I made in that group.

    Thanks again for your valuable review and I hope you’ll continue to get value from the tips in the book, and learn/contribute in the group.

    Very best wishes for a happy and successful 2015.



    1. Hi Joy!

      Reviewing this book was a pleasure and I thoroughly enjoyed reading and writing about it.

      I’m really enjoying my time in the book and access to it is an incredible bonus that anyone can benefit from. The people there are extremely friendly and it’s a great resource for expanding your network.

      I’m looking forward to applying more of the knowledge I’ve learned from reading the book and also am looking forward to hearing the success stories of future purchasers.

      I hope I’ll have the pleasure of reading your future products as well. Keep up the great work Joy, and here’s wishing us both a successful 2015!


  2. Hi James,

    I just purchased Joy’s book and oh boy it is fantastic. She doesn’t skip a beat here and it is so useful for the newbie to the pro blogger and/or marketer.

    You have done a great job reviewing this book!! I do have her free book and am so honored to be mentioned in it. Now the release of this ….one book anyone can use as a great handbook to guide them through all that needs to be done.



  3. OMG! James, I just hit the buy button just to realize the funds in my Paypal can’t cover the purchase. I remember withdrawing everything recently 😉

    In any case, I’ll surely buy before this year runs out 😉


  4. Hi James,

    Very well written review of Joy’s new social media book. I have it, but haven’t had time to crack it open yet. Hope to get to it later today or tomorrow.

    I do like your writing style and hope to become a regular reader of yours. Also, happy to see your smiling face on Sue’s Social group.


  5. Hi James, you just made Joy’s book so irresistable! ;p Looks like it’s kind of a ‘must have’ of the year. I am having another of Joy’s book and like Edward, yet to unwrap… Shall speed things up before we step into 2015.

    Wishing you great success in this coming new year. To your Abundance, Sandy 🙂


    1. Hey Sandy!

      The book is incredibly valuable, especially given its low price. I know you’ll be happy with it – there’s a lot of great info for everyone in there.

      Wishing you success in 2015 as well! Have a great New Years!


  6. Hey James,
    I just came across to your blog through Donna’s blog.
    Amazing review. No doubt, now a days people are more socialize. So we must have to learnt basics of social media that how we gain most out from it.
    I’m considering to read this book to enhance my experience.



    1. Hi Mustafa! Good to meet you.

      In 2015 being active on social media is going to become more important than ever before. This book will save you a ton of hours of trying things that don’t work and help you focus on the things that do. As I said, one sale pays for the book and you’re bound to make sales if you actually use the advice this book gives you.

      I see it as a great investment. Let me know if you have any questions, or if you do end up buying it, let me know what you think!


  7. Hey James!

    How are you man? Great book review and I am going to check it out. Honestly speaking, had no idea about it until you shared it here!

    Thanks for that, and have a great new year ahead!

    *PS How have you been man? Been sometime now!


    1. Hey Reginald, long time no see! I’m doing well, extremely excited for what the new year has in store. What about yourself?

      I appreciate your comment. If you aren’t already familiar with Joy you should definitely check her out. Her stuff is well worth reading and you won’t be disappointed.

      Keep up the great work with WP Chronicles, I’m looking forward to everything you have planned for us in 2015!


  8. Thanks for the excellent review James!
    I too know and respect Joy’s immense knowledge and you’re absolutely right, her content is always
    top notch!

    And she (unlike) a lot of others, really goes out of her way, to over deliver in all she does! And I love studying at her blog as well!

    And what’s really great is, I recently purchased her new book as well! And I’m just starting to go through it right now. So reading your excellent review of it only reinforces my decision to have purchased it!

    Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!


    1. Hey Mark!

      I really think you’ll enjoy Joy’s book. It can save you a ton of time, especially if you’re new to social media and still learning the ropes. I know that Joy would be quick to answer any questions you have about the content or social media in general, which is another bonus.

      Let me know what you think of it!


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