Are you expecting a package from FedEx, and want to know if they’ll be able to deliver it to your apartment?

While we generally expect FedEx to be able to deliver to houses and businesses without any issues, apartments can be more complex – pun intended.

Therefore, in this article I’ll be answering everything you need to know about FedEx, and apartments.

I’ll also cover other important topics like what will happen if FedEx can’t reach your door (due to a gate, lack of doorman, or no access code), what to do if you forgot your apartment number on the address, and more!

Does FedEx Deliver To Apartments?

Fedex Delivery Vehicle

Yes! FedEx has no issues delivering to apartments, and will always attempt to deliver the package if they are able to do so.

Considering that there are 54.32 million residents living in multi-unit rentals in the United States according to Statista, FedEx would be excluding a large portion of their customer base if they were unable to deliver to apartments!

That being said, delivering to apartments does pose more problems than delivering to single-family homes, depending on the way that the apartment complex is set up.

Assuming that the FedEx driver is able to actually access your front door, they will usually attempt to deliver there first.

If they are unable to reach your front door, they may also try to deliver to a mail room, a package receiving office, or even leaving it outside the front door of your apartment complex. However, unlike USPS, FedEx is not authorized to leave packages in your mailbox.

Bear in mind that whether FedEx delivers to your apartment will be up to the individual delivery person.

If no secure location is available to leave the package, they may hold onto it and require that you pick it up. Alternatively, they may attempt to redeliver, and see if a more secure location is available on the next delivery day.

What Happens If FedEx Is Unable To Access The Apartment, Or Experiences Other Problems?

Let’s say that for whatever reason, FedEx is unable to access your apartment. What happens now?

If your apartment requires a security or access code, it’s generally a good idea to include this in the delivery instructions if you can. However, it’s also possible that your FedEx driver already knows it, as they may keep a record of the different apartment complexes that they visit. Therefore, you may not have anything to worry about.

FedEx drivers do not generally have time to call customers, so including the access code anyway is always a good idea.

Regardless of the reason why they’re unable to make the delivery, FedEx will usually attempt to redeliver the package up to 3 times. When this happens, they will leave a tag on your door with further instructions for you.

If they are still unable to deliver the package after several attempts, they may require you to pick up the package from them directly. Alternatively, it will be turned over to a FedEx onsite location, who will hold onto packages on your behalf.

When this happens, your tracking will update to say Tendered At Fedex OnSite.

In order to maximize control over your deliveries, I highly recommend downloading the FedEx Delivery Manager app, which is available for both iOS or Android.

That way, you can specify further instructions for the delivery driver, and gain more insight into your shipments. You can also reroute the package to a different delivery location, if necessary!

Further Reading: Can I Pick Up A Package From Fedex Before Delivery? (Answered + Details!)

I Forgot To Include My Apartment Number! What Now?

Fedex Delivery Manager, On Fedex Mobile App

Let’s say that you ordered a package to your apartment complex, but you forgot to include your apartment number in the address. Should you worry?

While USPS is great at making sure they’re able to locate the recipient, FedEx may have a harder time. That being said, FedEx is still surprisingly effective at finding out who the package is supposed to go to!

If they’ve delivered a package with your name and apartment complex address before, they may be able to look this up in their system to find the correct apartment.

Additionally, all apartment complexes with 15 or more units are required to keep a directory with the tenants’ names, which can also match residents to their apartments.

Finally, using FedEx Delivery Manager will allow you to provide further instructions for the delivery driver, allowing you to solve the problem if you forgot to include your apartment number by mistake.

You can sign up for FedEx Delivery Manager by clicking here – and it’s completely free!

FedEx Says My Package Was Delivered, But I Don’t Have It. What Should I Do?

It can be incredibly alarming when FedEx shows that your package has been delivered on the tracking page, but in reality it’s nowhere to be found.

Don’t panic!

More than likely, it was simply delivered to a location other than your front door. You may be able to find out the exact location on the tracking page, or through the FedEx Delivery Manager app.

Some example places to look include your apartment’s mailroom if it has one, a parcel locker, or your package delivery offices. Generally speaking, wherever you normally receive packages is a good place to look. But as mentioned earlier, FedEx cannot legally leave them in your mailbox!

Next, try asking your neighbors if they might have received your package by mistake. Trusted neighbors may have also taken it upon themselves to retrieve your package from in front of your door, if they knew you weren’t home.

Finally, it is also possible that your package was stolen, if a significant period of time has passed since its delivery.

Whatever the case may be, do not hesitate to contact FedEx at 1-800-463-3339 if you are unable to locate it – they may be able to provide more information as to where it was left!  


Thankfully, FedEx has no issues delivering to apartments in the vast majority of cases.

However, they may require you pick your package up from a FedEx location if they are unable to find a secure place to deliver it, or if delivery is otherwise impossible.

For deeper insights and more control over your shipments, sign up for a free FedEx Delivery Manager account, and try to be home when the delivery attempt is made!

I hope that this article has answered all of your questions. If you have any other questions about FedEx (or receiving packages to an apartment), ask them below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Wishing you the best,

– James McAllister

About the author 

James McAllister

James is the owner of He started his first blog at the age of 11, and has since gone on to start several successful businesses. In total, these businesses have sold hundreds of thousands of units and have touched millions of lives. Here on, he shares his knowledge that brought him to where he is today. If you want to connect with James, follow him on your favorite social networks!

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  1. I had no clue that FedEx drivers might have records of the different apartment complexes they visit – that’s some next-level organisation right there! 😮

    I’ve had my share of woes with missing apartment numbers and mysterious package disappearances, so your advice is spot on. I’m downloading the FedEx Delivery Manager app as we speak. It’s about time I took control of these deliveries! 📲🕵️‍♂️

    And hey, thanks for reminding us not to panic in case of a missing package. I guess patience is key here, huh? 😅


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