Have you ever wondered why just about every YouTuber seems to ask you to ‘hit that like button?’

Although it’s kind of silly to hear it over and over again – and you probably don’t need to be reminded that the like button exists, it still plays an important role, both for creators as well as viewers.

However, the reasons why YouTube creators ask for likes go far beyond what most people realize.

So, in this article, I’ll be covering why YouTubers ask for likes, so you can have a better understanding on what actually happens when you smash that like button.

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Are you uploading 4K video to YouTube, and are wondering how long you can expect for it to finish processing?

While 4K video certainly is a great way to futureproof your videos (and win the love of us 4K monitor owners), the truth is that 4K videos are much larger than the 1080p standard we’ve been accustomed to for so many years.

So, how long will processing take, what determines the length, and is there any way to speed it up?

In this article, I’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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Have you ever thought about how YouTubers get paid – and what actually helps creators grow on the platform?

It’s common for YouTubers to ask for likes at the end of their videos, but does this actually help them make money? In fact, what do likes actually do?

These are great questions, and the answer is actually pretty interesting.

So, in this article I’ll be answering these questions, as well as talking about the other factors that help creators make money on YouTube. If you’re a creator yourself or you simply want to help your favorite YouTubers out, you’ll certainly learn how!

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Have you ever wondered about the effects that dislikes have on YouTube creators, and their video’s performance?

The truth is, YouTube dislikes are factored into the algorithm, but not in the way that you’d think.

So, in this article, I’ll be explaining exactly how dislikes are used by YouTube, both for creators, as well as for viewers.

It’s actually quite interesting!

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Do you have AdBlock installed on your computer or phone, but you’re concerned whether or not your favorite YouTubers will still get paid?

Considering that advertisements are a large part of how YouTubers make money, you may be wondering if you’re actually harming them by having AdBlock installed.

Thankfully, the answer isn’t so black and white, and you’ll see why in just a moment.

In this article, I’ll cover how AdBlock affects YouTubers differently, and what else you can do to support them – even if you keep AdBlock installed!

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The way that YouTube counts views is actually quite unique – and YouTube has changed it several times over the years.

As creators, we all want our videos to have as many views as possible. But can you increase the view count on your videos by watching them yourself?

This is an interesting question. In this article, I’ll cover what YouTube considers to be a view, and whether or not you can boost your view count by watching your own videos. We’ll also talk about how YouTube factors views into their algorithm, and what you should actually be focusing on to grow your channel.

Let’s get to it!

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