When you decide to do something big, it has a serious impact on your life. It changes who you are, and the lessons you learn from such a huge experience become invaluable to you.

When I started blogging all of those years ago, I had no idea what I truly had in store for me. I have changed so much as a person, and I have no doubt that I would not be the person I am today if I had never began this journey.

As I’ve taken time to reflect on this year, I’ve realized that there is a lot blogging has taught me about life – very important lessons that are universal to all of us as human beings.

While you read through this list, I want you to really think about the lessons I share with you. Think about how they’ve arose in your lifetime. Tie them to your own unique experiences. We are all different individuals, and some of these will pop out to you more than others. Some will become more apparent in the future.

Understand the significance of these 7 truths, and you will find much more success in both your professional and your personal life.

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Vision. It’s a powerful thing.

Having a true vision for something goes above and beyond a simple desire. It’s not just another thing to strive for. It’s not something you want.

It’s something you need. Something that drives you. Something that seems of greater importance than life itself. 

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What separates a mediocre entrepreneur from a highly successful entrepreneur?

This is a question that I pondered for ages back when I was a beginner myself. What traits did successful entrepreneurs have that I didn’t? What made them so great?

The truth is, all of us are born knowing absolutely nothing about business. We aren’t born great entrepreneurs. We don’t enter the world with our head full of marketing or business knowledge.

It’s all learned. All the great marketers and entrepreneurs that you look up to started from nothing, and grew into the people they are today.

This means with enough effort, you can become great too.

But still, all of the highly successful businesspeople do have certain traits in common that have helped bring them to the levels they are at now. Here are 10 characteristics of highly successful entrepreneurs – characteristics you may wish to adopt yourself if you wish to reach the same levels they have.

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A little less than a year ago, I quit college to pursue entrepreneurship full time. 

Some say I was foolish for turning down a fully-funded education. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Like most entrepreneurs, you and I want to be successful. We want to be the greatest people we can possibly be. If that weren’t true, you wouldn’t be here reading this right now.

Those who truly become great are those who keep growing. The people that keep learning and improving. And for those people, their education never really ends.

As I write this, I sit next to over 200 books that I have purchased over the years regarding topics such as building wealth, investing, entrepreneurship, self-improvement, and building a successful mindset. At a minimum, I read at least one of these books a month, though I’m often able to get through 2-3 a week.

I firmly believe that I owe a lot of who I am today due to the insights and advice these books have given me. While not all of them are directly related to blogging, I would like to share of these books with you that I believe every blogger should read. 

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They say if you’re a jack of all trades, you’re a master of none.

I’m sure you likely know that are tons of different ways to make money online today. Blogging. CPA. eBooks. eCommerce. Freelance. YouTube. The list goes on and on.

Today, we have more opportunities available to us than ever before. Today, we’re no longer limited with our options – anyone can start chasing any tactic they wish. This is both a blessing and a curse.

Today, we are facing an ongoing issue called information overload. We have so much information available to us, we don’t know what to do with it. Our attention spans and our ability to focus is declining at a rapid rate. This is bad enough already, but it gets significantly worse when we combine information overload with our emotions.

We humans are emotional creatures. We like to feel. We get excited when we hear about new prospects that can make us money. As a result, some people end up chasing these prospects relentlessly. When they don’t work, they jump at the next opportunity that is presented to them without giving it much thought. This is a huge issue. 

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