Are you planning on running your blog from a smartphone?

Although this isn’t commonly done, it is possible. That being said, some smartphones are easier to blog on than others.

In this article, I’ll be breaking down what you should be looking for when choosing a smartphone to use for blogging. I’ll also be sharing some specific models I recommend, and the smartphone you may consider purchasing to help you out while blogging!

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If you’re new to blogging and you’ve already published a few posts, you may be wondering – when does the traffic start coming in?

As a matter of fact, one of the most common frustrations that new bloggers face is this. They publish quite a few articles on their new sites, excited for their audience to start building. Except, after waiting weeks or even months, their blog is still a ghost town.

Don’t worry – this doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s anything wrong with your website, or even the approach you’ve been taking with your content.

In this article, we’re going to cover how many blog posts you need, before you start receiving traffic. Then, we’re going to cover how you can speed up the entire process, and get visitors coming in more quickly.

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GPT-3 may bring the single biggest shift to content publishing, since the advent of the internet.

Yet while this technology may radically change the publishing and SEO landscape, it also comes along with a huge host of benefits – benefits that you can take advantage of today.

Although the general public doesn’t know it yet, this is a transformative technology that will have far-reaching effects for everyone.

The most exciting part?

It’s just getting started.

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Are blogging courses worth it? I hate to say it, but it depends.

Like any course, some are, and some aren’t. As a general rule of thumb however, let me share something I believe. I believe that investment in your self-education is one of the greatest investments you can make – it can never be taken away from you, and it never goes down in value.

I spent over 3 years blogging before I began to make any real money with it. Back then, there weren’t any courses on the subject really. Today, you can save hundreds or thousands of hours by learning from the mistakes of others, the tests they’ve done, and the lessons that they could have only gathered through real experiences.

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Oh boy, here we go.

I wanted to put out this PSA, because I see this on a near-weekly basis – both in the blogging space, and the eCommerce space.

Many bloggers have been sold the lie that if they put out “great content” and work hard, people will magically find it, they will amass an audience of raving fans, and you’ll be able to retire to a life of luxury.

The same thing happens in eCommerce. Launch a Shopify store, put some products up, and the sales will roll in.

Of course, it doesn’t take very long to discover that things aren’t so simple.

So, you may find yourself asking, what gives? Where is everybody? Where’s the money?

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So you’ve decided to start a blog. Congratulations!

But did you know that blogging is an extremely diverse business, and the business model can vary entirely depending on which category of blogger you fall into?

In fact, just about everything is different. The strategy you take is different, the type of content you’ll release is different, how you market your business is different, and how you profit is different as well.

Fortunately, all bloggers fall into one of five categories. Knowing which one you are (or rather, which you’re hoping to become) will shape everything you do going forward.

Read over each one of these carefully – one of them will surely stand out to you!

Without any further ado, let’s look at the different types of bloggers, so you can determine which style appeals to you the most.

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