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When it comes to blogging, there’s unfortunately a lot of misinformation out there.
Usually, this isn’t because of anything malicious, and if you’re a believer of one of the blogging myths I’m about to share with you, it’s not anything to feel bad about. Outdated articles, fake gurus, and half-truths are rampant in the blogging space, due to how quickly the landscape continues to evolve.
As a community of bloggers, let’s set the record straight together.
In this article, I’m going to share some of the most common blogging myths that I still see being circulated, and share actionable tips that will help you achieve better blogging results.
Let’s start with one of the biggest ones!
1. Write It, And The Audience Will Come
Publishing great content is only one piece of the battle. If you don’t have the skills to attract the attention of interested consumers, good quality content doesn’t really have much meaning.
However, it’s still commonly believed that good content on its own will help you build an audience. That if you truly put your best out their for the world, the world will magically stumble across it.
There used to be a degree of truth to this one – when the internet was much smaller, people really could find you if you implemented SEO best practices.
However, that period of time is long gone. There is more content out there about any given topic, than a single person could ever consume. As a result, search engines have had to use much more complex ranking algorithms to ensure that only the best content gets in front of readers.
Good content that is well-marketed, will always outperform great content that isn’t marketed.
That being said, some people build a strategy specifically around targeting keywords that aren’t being served well already. This is perhaps the one exception to this rule – if you are very selective about the article topics that you write about, it is possible to receive passive Google traffic without having to actively market the content.
Of course, this is a skill set of its own, and I cover it in my blogging course.
2. Articles Should Be X Number Of Words
This is another myth that has some basis in truth, depending on what metrics you’re hoping to improve.
We know that longer articles tend to correlate with higher search engine rankings, and an increased number of social shares. However, taking these statistics at face value does not necessarily paint a full picture.
Traffic on its own is a vanity metric. It only matters if you’re able to make a positive impression with your content, eventually encouraging readers to take some further action.
This means that writing exceptionally long (or short) articles simply for the sake of doing so, means that you’re sacrificing what actually matters – the potential impression it can have on the reader.
As a general rule of thumb, you’ll want to write just as many words as it takes to cover your points in detail – without adding extra fluff for the simple sake of boosting word count.
Make your piece as comprehensive as possible, then add things like a table of contents so people can jump around, and plenty of images to break up the text.
By doing this, you build the best resource you can for your reader – without wasting their time unnecessarily.
3. Blogging Should Be Done Cheaply – Without Spending Much Money
This one is just silly.
If you could buy a tool, book, or course that could save you dozens or hundreds of hours worth of time for a relatively low cost, you’d be foolish for ignoring it simply for the sake of saving money.
Yet, so many bloggers behave with a scarcity mindset – they are so worried about saving a few dollars, they prevent themselves from making real money with their businesses.
Just because you can do something for free, doesn’t mean that you should. If you’re not paying with your money, you’re paying with your time. And your time is much more valuable.
Books and courses in particular can provide some of the highest return of any investment. The knowledge always stays with you, and will never go down in value.
For a full list of tools and resources I use to run my businesses, click here!
4. Paid Traffic Sources Should Be Avoided
Similarly to #3, paying for accelerated results makes since in a shockingly large number of situations.

In fact, paid traffic is one of the most straightforward ways to scale your business quickly, and it’s why it’s so important to know your numbers.
Imagine this (oversimplified) example:
You have an email sequence that sells a product that makes you $100. 10% of people that go through your autoresponder sequence end up buying it.
This makes each email subscriber that you acquire worth $10.
Let’s say you have a landing page to opt-in, that converts at 20%. On average, you’ll need 5 clicks to gain one subscriber. Each landing page view costs you $1.
If all of these numbers are true, it would mean that you’re paying $5 to acquire a subscriber, that should make you an average of $10.
This is a grossly simplified example, but I hope it paints a picture on how powerful paid traffic can be, if you learn how to utilize it.
It’s possible to grow a profitable email list without spending money – but you can grow a larger, more profitable list even faster when you utilize paid traffic as well.
5. All You Need Is One, ‘Lucky Break’
One common belief I see beginner bloggers buy into is the idea that one single moment is going to skyrocket your blog into the stratosphere.
One reputable site linking to your article, or one influencer giving you a shoutout.
Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. While these sorts of things can certainly give your blog a little boost, the effects aren’t as long-lasting as you may imagine.
Instead, it takes a consistent series of small steps in order to gain meaningful traction. This can take months and months for any results at all to manifest.
At times, it can make you feel a little bit crazy – putting so much effort in, without much to show for it.
However, no fantastic blog is built overnight – even if the blogger is blessed with good luck.
If results are slow, hang in there. Ensure you’re using proven strategies, continue making progress, and eventually you’ll achieve blogging success.
6. Your Niche Will Make Or Break You
There is only one thing that truly matters when selecting a niche – that there are people actively spending money in that market.
That’s it.
At its core, blogging is all about attracting, engaging, and connecting with active consumers in that market, so a transaction can happen somewhere. This could be through selling your own product, selling another company’s product as an affiliate, or some from of advertising.
The point of ads? To target buyers.
There are no magical, hidden niches that you need to discover. In fact, there is a direct correlation between profitability potential, and competition.
Sure, there are some niches that may be ever-so-slightly easier to make money in than others – but really, this isn’t something you should spend too much time focusing on.
Pick a niche, and get going!
7. Blogging Is Dead
If you’re this far into the article, hopefully you understand why this myth is silly.
The fact of the matter is this – as long as people continue to read articles online, blogging cannot die. Blogs are simply a platform used to attract attention, and engage readers so that they will take some sort of action.
As long as people are willing to read your content, you can still make money with it.
Yes, voice and video are on the rise, but that doesn’t mean that blogging will be going anywhere any time soon.
(By the way, I publish videos on YouTube every week that never get shared on my site. Visit my channel and consider subscribing by clicking here!)
Because there is so much opportunity today, I would even argue that there has never been a better time to start a blog. After all, there is no reason you couldn’t utilize audio and video right alongside it!
I hope that this article has cleared up some misinformation.
The blogging landscape has changed so much since I began blogging 9 years ago, and I’m very interested to see how it will continue to change in the future.
If you were previously a believer of one of these 7 blogging myths, don’t worry. Even the world’s best bloggers wouldn’t have known these when they first started out.
Wishing you the best, and if there’s ever anything I can do to help you in your blogging journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
To your success,
– James McAllister
There are so many bizarre and silly myths out there with blogging. However, I may have to disagree with your Articles Should Be X Number Of Words point. I disagree only because of SEO. Apparently it seems that google does love longer and more in depth posts. Now, it doesn’t have to be a set number but I rarely see short posts outranking longer ones on google.
Now as for your avoiding paid promotion point, what sources to you recommend we look at for paying for promotion? Is there a budget you follow or an average price that seems to be better?
Eric Gamble(Quote)
Hi Eric, and thanks for visiting!
It’s true that there is a correlation between article length and organic traffic, and generally speaking, we should try to write as comprehensive and valuable articles as possible. The only issue is that some topics don’t really have enough information or points to discuss in order to hit some arbitrary word count. If you can comprehensively cover a topic in 500 words, but you’re trying to hit 1,500 words for SEO, than most of your article is going to become pointless filler – wasting the reader’s time and making it even more difficult for them to find their solution. Google definitely tracks user behavior on your site – and what visitors do next after clicking, so this can actually lead to worse rankings overall.
That’s why my philosophy is always to write however many words it takes to naturally cover a topic comprehensively – no more, no less.
Regarding paid traffic, you have to start with the end in mind and know how the numbers will pan out. Personally, I’m happy to break even with paid advertising right now as I know the lifetime value of a customer will increase as I release more products. That being said, most campaigns are profitable.
If I had to pick one way to start, it would be to retarget people who have expressed interest in a given topic. Find your most popular topics, develop a lead magnet specifically around that topic, and retarget to a landing page to acquire leads. Use that segment of your email list to sell or promote relevant products.
Hope this provides some insight, and hope to talk with you again soon!
James McAllister(Quote)
Thanks for sharing this amazing information. When i started blog people tell me these types of myth.These are very helpful for bigainers
Glad to share it, thanks so much for stopping by!
James McAllister(Quote)
Well, i have always avoided paid traffic but this article is an eye opener for me. thanks
I made this mistake for a while too. As long as you can develop profitable systems, there’s no reason not to pay for traffic!
James McAllister(Quote)
before i started blogging.i search a lot about blogging .there are thousand of myths about blogging i confused. after reading this article i realize truth and myth.thanks for sharing.
prashant patil(Quote)
You’re right Prashant, there are certainly many more myths than just these, would have to write a novel to include them all hahaha
James McAllister(Quote)
Wow… This so insightful and straightforward .. I’m running and affiliate blog but i have shunning paid traffic because i have been thinking it won’t last long .. But this is giving another reason to try it out .. Thanks so much again
Ideally with paid traffic you’ll be doing something to retain the visitors – such as encouraging them to sign up for an email list or make a direct purchase. Either way, if you can contact them over and over again and keep bringing them back to your website, it’s much easier for the traffic to pay for itself in the long-term!
James McAllister(Quote)
The reason that a lot of company blogs are unloved often has something to do with the fact that businesses don’t have the time or knowledge to execute a great blog strategy, and without a great strategy, blogging doesn’t always demonstrate a lot of value. However, it doesn’t have to be like that.Blogging is just as much about building your site’s SEO value as it is about engaging your customers. Blogging and SEO are a match that is meant to be, and neither is quite as good without the other involved. If you’re pursuing some SEO tactics on your site but not blogging, you’re missing a huge opportunity to expand your SEO work, and if you’re blogging without an eye to SEO, you’re not getting all the value out of your blog that you could be.
Vicky Rathore(Quote)
Hey Vicky, thanks for stopping by. That’s a great insight!
When I was starting out online I made the big mistake of thinking the key to scaling traffic was simply to write more. It wasn’t until I also prioritized actively building backlinks that results started to multiply. I do think there’s a lot of value in blogging even without relying on organic traffic, but it really starts to gain power when you start to dominate the search results!
James McAllister(Quote)
I think this is true “Your Niche Will Make Or Break You”
Thanks for sharing Blogging Myths. Very helpful post about blogging. Thanks so much.
Hey Unais, I’d love to hear more about why you think so! Always happy to hear differing ideas and learn from others!
James McAllister(Quote)