Are you looking to pin someone to the top of your Instagram DMs, or even pin specific messages?

While this feature is available on other social media apps, it can be difficult to figure out how to do it on Instagram.

So, does Instagram allow you to pin people or messages within DMs and if so, how do you do it?

In this article, I’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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Did you recently have a call that went immediately to voicemail, and you’re wondering whether or not ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode may have caused it?

Whether you’re the one that received the call or the one placing it, this is a great question.

In this article, I’ll be covering exactly what happens to calls when Do Not Disturb mode is turned on from both sides, as well as what else it could mean if calls are sent straight to voicemail.

Let’s get started!

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Are you considering installing a Wi-Fi extender in your home, but you’re unsure how it will affect your internet speed?

While Wi-Fi extenders can be useful in some situations, they often come with more downsides than upsides – especially since there are usually better alternatives available.

So, in this article, I’ll go over how your internet speed / bandwidth are affected by Wi-Fi extenders, when they’re a good idea to use, and what other options you may consider instead.

Let’s get started!

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Are you tired of people sharing your Facebook posts, or you have a specific post you want to make unshareable?

Regardless of your reasoning, it’s perfectly valid to want to prevent your posts from being shared.

Thankfully, Facebook makes it easy to turn off the sharing feature. Once you know where to look, it only takes a few moments!

So, in this article I’ll show you how you can disable sharing on Facebook, on both desktop as well as through the Facebook app. I’ll also share how you can prevent people from sharing your posts to their Facebook stories, which is a separate feature altogether.

Let’s get started!

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Have you recently checked your DHL tracking, only to see a message that the shipment is on hold?

This can be incredibly frustrating, especially if you are hoping for the package to arrive as quickly as possible.

Thankfully however, this isn’t usually anything to be alarmed about.

In this article, I’ll go over what the ‘shipment on hold’ message actually means, how it will affect the delivery of your package, and even how you can potentially get refunded for the package!

So without any further ado, let’s get started.

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