Have you ever come across a video that only allowed comments from certain people – even when the comments weren’t turned off entirely?

It turns out, limiting your comments on TikTok is quite easily, and can be done in just a few seconds.

Thankfully, TikTok gives us a lot of control over what videos you want to limit comments on, and who they should be limited to.

In this article, we’ll cover several different ways to limit and restrict comments on TikTok, so you can choose the method that’s right for you!

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Are you looking to block TikTok on an iPhone, and want to ensure the restriction can not be bypassed?

Thankfully, Apple has made it easy to block certain apps on your iPhone, including TikTok. There are also ways you can block it on a network level as well, so TikTok cannot be accessed on any device you or your child may have.

In this article, we’ll cover several different ways of blocking TikTok on an iPhone. This way, you can determine which is best for you and your family. We’ll also share some reasons why blocking TikTok may be a good idea.

Let’s get into it!

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Did you recently watch a video on TikTok, and were told that there would be a part 2 posted?

Sometimes however, the additional parts can be a bit difficult to find – and TikTok doesn’t exactly make it obvious, either.

Thankfully, finding a part 2 of a TikTok video is usually pretty simple once you know what to do.

In this article, we’ll go over 3 different ways to find the second or third part to a TikTok video – guaranteeing you’ll find it if it’s available.

Let’s get to it!

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Did you try to add a video to your favorites on TikTok, only to discover that the button seems to be missing?

This can be incredibly frustrating to experience, especially if you are used to adding videos to your favorites instead of just liking them.

Thankfully, even if the feature is missing for you, it’s possible to get it back.

Let’s look over how it’s done!

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Are you looking to complete clear out your following list on TikTok?

If you’re following a lot of people, it’s sometimes easiest to just unfollow everyone at once, then refollow the accounts you care about the most.

But how do you unfollow everyone at once, and what is the fastest way to unfollow people on TikTok? Additionally, will people know that you unfollowed them?

In this article, we’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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