Are you experiencing slow internet on just one computer, while other devices on your network are running just fine?

This issue is quite common, and usually has a simple solution for it. While it can seem a little confusing why one device would have problems while the others don’t, there is usually quick explanation.

In this article, we’ll cover many different solutions worth trying out, to help you fix this issue once and for all.

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Are you looking to copy a link to a specific post on Facebook, so that you can easily share it with others?

Regardless of the device that you’re browsing Facebook on, copying the link to a specific post is simple once you know what to do.

In this article, I’ll be covering step-by-step how it’s done, across all major devices. That way, you’ll know how to do it regardless of whether you browse Facebook on a PC, mobile phone, or tablet.

Let’s get to it!

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Is there someone that’s following you on Instagram, but you wish they weren’t?

Thankfully, Instagram has taken steps to solve this, and there are now several things you can do to make someone unfollow you – even without them knowing.

In this article, I’ll be going over how you can remove someone as a follower, or simply restrict them from seeing certain posts you make if you’d rather do that instead!

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Are you considering T-Mobile’s Home Internet package for your household?

As T-Mobile’s 4G and 5G network coverage continues to expand, more and more people are considering this as the primary internet service provider for their homes.

Being that it is wireless internet however, you may be wondering – is T-Mobile home internet good for gaming?

In this article, we’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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