Have you looked at your Instagram Story viewers, and are wondering how Instagram determines the order?

Or, perhaps you just viewed someone else’s Story, and you’re interested in where you’ll show up.

The truth is, Instagram uses a simple algorithm for Stories with less than 50 views, and a more complex algorithm for Stories with more than 50 viewers. In this article, I’ll be breaking both of these down in detail. I’ll also show how you can avoid showing up in the viewers list at all, if you wish to do so.

Let’s get started!

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Have you noticed that your GPU is running at 100%, and are wondering whether this is a problem?

Although your graphics card is designed to hit 100%, there are some situations where it’s perfectly acceptable, and other situations where it can actually damage your hardware!

So, in this article I’ll be covering when it is or isn’t alright for your GPU to be at 100% usage, what to do if you’re also experiencing FPS drops, and how to decrease stress on your GPU so it lasts as long as possible. I highly recommend reading through each one of the tips, as I’ve personally lost my GPU due to ignoring them in the past!

Without any further ado, let’s get started!

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Are you waiting for a package to arrive from FedEx, but their tracking says, “Local delivery restriction, delivery not attempted?”

This can be an incredibly frustrating message to see, especially since it says they didn’t even try to deliver it!

So, what causes this message to appear, and more importantly, what can you do about it?

In this article, I’ll be answering both of these questions and more!

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Are you expecting a package from FedEx, and want to know if they’ll be able to deliver it to your apartment?

While we generally expect FedEx to be able to deliver to houses and businesses without any issues, apartments can be more complex – pun intended.

Therefore, in this article I’ll be answering everything you need to know about FedEx, and apartments.

I’ll also cover other important topics like what will happen if FedEx can’t reach your door (due to a gate, lack of doorman, or no access code), what to do if you forgot your apartment number on the address, and more!

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Are you having a package being sent to your apartment, and want to know if UPS will be able to deliver it?

While shipping to a home or business address is certainly never a problem, apartments can pose more of an issue due to the way that they are structured.

So, in this article I’ll be covering everything you need to know about UPS, and apartment delivery. I’ll also be covering other important topics such as what to do if you forgot your apartment number, what to do if your apartment requires special access, and more!

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