Are you tracking your Fedex shipment, and see a message that says ‘left Fedex origin facility?’

This message isn’t very easy to understand, unless you’re already familiar with Fedex’s terminology.

So, what does this message mean, how long until you see movement, and what should you do if your package is stuck here?

In this article, I’ll be covering all of that and more!

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Does your USPS tracking page currently state ‘origin post is preparing shipment?’

Although there’s a simple explanation behind this message, it can be quite frustrating to see – especially if it’s been stuck there for quite a while now.

So, what does this message actually mean, and how long will it be before you seen an update?

In this article, I’ll be answering all of these questions and more!

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Do you see a message on your USPS tracking page that says ‘delivered to agent for final delivery’, and are wondering what it means?

This can be concerning, especially if you didn’t actually receive the package, and you aren’t sure why.

In this article, I’ll be covering what exactly this message means, who currently has your package, and what to do if you don’t end up receiving it – along with other common questions as well.

That way, you can be sure that you’re able to receive your package safely, and prevent this from happening again in the future if you wish to do so.

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Are you looking to make a new Instagram account, but you don’t want anybody to know who is behind it?

Making a secret Instagram account is pretty easy, as long as you follow a few important steps to conceal your identity.

So, in this article I’ll be showing how you can make your new account as anonymous as possible, and prevent anybody from finding out it’s you.

Let’s get to it!

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Are you sending /receiving multimedia messages, and want to know whether or not they use mobile data?

If you do not have an unlimited data plan, being aware of what contributes to your total data usage is important – especially since multimedia messages tend to be large in size.

So, does multimedia messaging (MMS) use data, and if so, how much?

In this article, I’ll be answering these questions, as well as sharing some ways to save even more data while sending pictures / videos.

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