Are you receiving an international shipment from FedEx, but the tracking is currently telling you that clearance instructions are required from the importer?

This message, albeit rare, can be incredibly confusing – and leave you wondering what to do next.

So what does this message mean, how can you resolve the situation, and how long will this delay the delivery of your package?

In this article, I’ll be answering all of these questions and more!

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Have you recently received a temporary block from Instagram Live?

It could be that you’ve been banned from livestreaming yourself, or you’re unable to join or comment on other people’s streams. Thankfully, these bans tend to be temporary, and end rather quickly.

So, how long will you be temporarily blocked on Instagram, and is there anything you can do to bypass it in the meantime?

In this article, I’ll be covering everything that you need to know!

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Are you looking to transfer service from an Android phone to an iPhone, and are wondering if you can use the same SIM card?

This is a common question, especially from people who are transferring their service for the first time.

So, do Android SIM cards work in iPhones and if so, how can you ensure it transfers safely?

In this article, I’ll be covering everything that you need to know!

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Are you looking to leave a Discord server, but you don’t want anyone to know that you left?

If you’re looking to leave a Discord server silently, fortunately there are a lot of options available to you.

So, in this article, I’ll be going over how you can leave either a group or server on Discord without anybody realizing that you’ve left.

Let’s get started!

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Are you looking to completely remove your profile picture on Twitter?

While changing it to something else is fairly straightforward, Twitter has made it difficult to remove your profile picture entirely.

Thankfully, once you know what to do, it’s actually quite simple!

So, in this article, I’ll be showing you step-by-step how to remove your profile picture on Twitter – first if you’re on a computer, and then through the X mobile app.

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