Are you considering starting a YouTube channel – or allowing your child to start one, and are wondering whether or not it’s actually safe?

This is a great question, and it’s wonderful that you’re considering this ahead of time – many people don’t start getting concerned for their safety until it’s too late.

So, how safe is YouTube for channel owners, and what can be done to make the platform safer?

In this article, I’ll share everything that you need to know!

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Have you accidentally got your voicemail stuck on Spanish, or another language?

This can be frustrating, especially since you may not be able to understand the menu options in order to change it back.

Thankfully, because voicemail is handled at the carrier level, the instructions are exactly the same regardless of what phone you’re using.

So, in this article I’ll be showing you step-by-step how to change your voicemail back to English, based on which carrier that you’re using.

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Have you ever wondered why just about every YouTuber seems to ask you to ‘hit that like button?’

Although it’s kind of silly to hear it over and over again – and you probably don’t need to be reminded that the like button exists, it still plays an important role, both for creators as well as viewers.

However, the reasons why YouTube creators ask for likes go far beyond what most people realize.

So, in this article, I’ll be covering why YouTubers ask for likes, so you can have a better understanding on what actually happens when you smash that like button.

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Did you recently receive a Snap from someone on Snapchat, and want to know if anyone else received it as well?

Figuring out how many people received a particular Snap isn’t exactly obvious, but it is possible if you know where to look.

So, in this article I’ll be covering how you can figure out whether a Snap was sent only to you, or whether it was also sent to other people as well.

Let’s get into it!

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