Do you believe someone may have deleted the comment you left on one of their videos, and you want to know for sure?

While TikTok will not notify you when a comment is deleted, there are a few ways to figure it out for yourself.

In this article, I’ll share three different methods to know whether your comment was deleted, and even how to retrieve it and see what it said if it’s no longer available!

So without further ado, let’s get started.

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Are you looking to delete photos from Google Photos or Google Drive, but you don’t want them to be deleted from your iPhone?

Although Google Photos is a great way to backup and sync your photos across devices, it’s completely understandable if you want to keep a copy on your phone.

So, how do you delete photos from Google Photos without also deleting them from your iPhone at the same time?

In this article, I’ll share several different strategies!

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Have you noticed that when you look at people you’ve messaged on Facebook Messenger, it will sometimes show when they’re last active?

After a period of time however, the message will disappear, and it will be impossible to tell when they were last active.

So, how long does Facebook Messenger show the last active message before it disappears?

In this article, I’ll cover all of the details – as well as some other reasons why someone’s last active time might not be appearing for you.

Let’s get started!

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 Has your iPhone recently been stolen, or you’re simply curious what thieves do with the iPhones they sell?

It would seem their options are quite limited, especially if the device was locked when it was stolen. However, the truth is that there is surprisingly a lot they can still do with a stolen iPhone, even if they aren’t able to get inside of it.

So, in this article I’ll be going over all the different things that are done with stolen iPhones, which might show why they’re still such a valuable commodity – even if they’re completely locked.

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