Are you looking to place an order on Shein, and are wondering if they take PayPal as a payment method?

Shein has become an incredibly popular place to shop for discount clothing and accessories, at bargain prices. But being that it is a Chinese company, some people worry about whether it’s safe to give your credit card information to them.

So, having PayPal available would give great assurance that ordering is safe.

But is PayPal available? In this article, we’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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Note: This article contains no affiliate links, and we have nothing to promote or sell. These are pure, unbiased results and opinions.

Are you looking at a 75Hz monitor, and wondering if it will be good enough for gaming?

Deciding the number of Hz your monitor should have is one of the most important decisions you’ll make when picking a new computer monitor. However, depending on the type of games that you play, your needs will differ.

In this article, we’ll go over whether or not 75Hz is enough for the games you want to play, as well as share some other important tips when it comes to picking your perfect monitor.

Let’s get into it!

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Are you looking to ensure that your precious photos are safe, or are simply wondering how they’re stored?

We all know that SIM cards come with each cell phone that has an active plan with a carrier. However, many people are unsure what the SIM card is actually for, and what sort of data is stored on it.

In this article, we’re going to clear some of that up. So if you’re wondering whether or not a SIM card holds pictures along with what other data is stored on it, in this article we’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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Is there any way for TikTok creators to be able to see who shared their videos?

Whether you’re looking to share someone else’s without the creator knowing it was you, or you simply want to see which people shared out the video you posted, you may be wondering whether TikTok shares this information.

While TikTok does show you the total number of shares quite easily, finding out who actually shared your TikToks is a bit more complicated.

In this article, we’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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Instagram provides a number of useful analytics to determine the performance of your Instagram Stories.

While you can see the total number of viewers and even the specific accounts that viewed or interacted with your story, you may be wondering – can you also see who skips it?

This is an excellent question. In this article, we’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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