Are you finding out that every time you restart your device or internet browser, Gmail is making you sign back into it?

This can be incredibly frustrating, especially if you use Gmail frequently.

Thankfully, there is usually a simple cause and solution to this problem, and I’ll be sharing the fixes within this article. Note that the strategies I share work regardless of your operating system (Windows 10, Windows 11, Mac or Linux), as well as the internet browser you’re using (be it Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, or another browser entirely.)

So with that out of the way, let’s get to it!

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Are you sick of Spotify playing random, suggested songs after a playlist or album is over?

This can be frustrating, especially if you want Spotify to simply stop playing music once your selected tracks are over.

Most of the time, this comes down to a setting called ‘Autoplay’, which is easy to turn off. So, in this article, I’ll be covering how to disable autoplay on both the desktop client, as well as in the Spotify app.

I’ll also be going over what to do if turning off autoplay doesn’t work, so you can stop Spotify from playing suggested songs for good!

Finally, I’ll cover some interesting points, such as how Spotify chooses the songs they suggest, and why they have this feature turned on in the first place.

Without any further ado, let’s get started!

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Are you unsure whether you’re currently screen mirroring your iPhone / iPad, or just want to know how you can check it?

The truth is, there are several indicators that can let you know for sure.

So, in this article I’ll be showing you how you can quickly check whether screen mirroring is on, or whether you’re casting any videos to another device (even if you’re not fully screen mirroring.)

Let’s get to it!

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Does it seem like you never are shown posts from your friends on Facebook?

Instead, all you’re given are ads, posts from pages, and suggested content from brands you don’t even follow!

The truth is, many people have been noticing this in recent months, myself included. So, you’re certainly not alone.

I dug deep to determine why this is happening, and what can be done about it. So, in this article, I’ll be sharing everything I know – including how to fix it!

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