Last Updated on January 10, 2023 by James McAllister

By: James McAllister


Are you looking to see whether or not someone has a Facebook Dating profile?

Facebook has been pushing their dating platform quite heavily to people who are believed to be single, and signing up to it is quite easy.

So, how do you find out if a specific person is on Facebook Dating or not?

In this article, I’ll cover everything that you need to know. I’ll also cover a neat little trick that will let you find their profile on other dating sites as well!

How To Tell If Someone Is On Facebook Dating

Facebook Dating

Currently, there is no way to tell whether or not somebody has a Facebook Dating profile, without first signing up to the platform yourself.

This is because your Facebook Dating profile is technically separate from your regular Facebook profile, which is by design. This way, users can keep their dating lives separate from their personal lives.

However, there is a little workaround that you can use to still find out whether they’ve got a Dating profile or not, which I’ll cover in just a moment.

Facebook understands that you may want to keep your dating circle separate from your friends circle, at least until you get to know somebody.

So, people that you match with on Facebook Dating don’t have full access to your profile like a friend would.

This is not only good for privacy, but it’s a nice safety feature as well – there are some crazy people in this world!

A Quick Workaround

Secret Crush Facebook Dating

As mentioned earlier, you will need to first create a Facebook Dating profile yourself before you’re able to find out whether or not someone is on the platform.

However, even after signing up, you won’t necessarily see your Facebook friends on there straight away. Here’s where the workaround can be useful:

Facebook has a feature called ‘secret crush’, which allows you to specify certain Facebook friends as a secret crush.

That person may receive a notification that someone added them as a secret crush on Facebook Dating, but it won’t say who.

If the two of you end up adding each other as a secret crush, the two of you will be automatically connected, the same way you would as if you matched normally.

Currently however, your Facebook friends will not show up as suggestions for matches – but friends of friends will, if the both of you have this option enabled in settings.

Therefore, if you are friends with the person on Facebook, there is no other way to find out if they have a dating profile except for using the secret crush method. Alternatively, you could also make a new Facebook account, or remove them as a friend.

We’ll talk more about finding them on other dating sites in a moment however, with a method that is far more reliable!

Note: Facebook will allow you to select any of your friends as a secret crush, even if they do not use Facebook Dating.

Will They Know That You’ve Found Them On Facebook Dating?

Let’s say that you managed to find their profile on Facebook dating, either through your profile or through the secret dating method.

Will they find out? Does Facebook say who has viewed someone’s dating profile?

At this time, the answer is no.

Facebook only shows people who have matched with you, not those that have simply been exposed to your profile.

Unless the two of you match, they won’t know that you’ve found them on Facebook Dating.

How To Tell If They’re Signed Up To Other Dating Sites

Now that we’ve covered Facebook Dating, let’s talk briefly about other dating sites.

When most people are looking to meet someone, they rarely stick to just one dating site. Instead, they may sign up to a large number of them, to maximize their chances of finding someone that’s a good fit for them.

Additionally, many of these dating sites allow users to create profiles that are far more complex, and share far more information then what you’d find on a platform like Facebook Dating. So, this can be really useful if you want to learn more about someone!

So, how do you find out whether they’re signed up?

Many dating sites allow you to search people by name, age or hyper-focus down to a specific area. If you live in a small town, it’s easy enough to just search through every profile with the age of the person you’re looking for.

However, another little trick that you can use is to try signing up for a new account using their email address or phone number!

If it’s already in their system, you will be given an error message stating that the email or phone number is already in use – proving they have an active dating profile with the site.

Keep in mind however that if they don’t have an account, they will likely receive a confirmation email or code if you try to sign up using their information.

Disclaimer: Only do this when you have permission, and avoid impersonating people / using fake information to sign up for websites or services.

Avoid ‘People Search’ Sites!

One more thing that’s very important – avoid using sites that claim to search the internet for people’s dating profiles!

Most of these operate in a relatively similar way.

They’ll ask you to plug in the person’s name and perhaps something like their city, and then they’ll run a search. They’ll claim to have found the person you’re looking for, and state that they may have a lot of information on them available.

You’ll then be asked to purchase access to a report. However, most of the time these services find very little information – far less than they’ll have led you to believe.

The truth is, Facebook Dating profiles are not public, meaning they won’t show up in search engines like Google.

Websites that search for people will not be able to find their Facebook Dating profile because of this. While there is a chance some of them may be able to find dating profiles on certain websites, this is rare, and Facebook Dating is not one of them.

I only mention this because other websites are pushing people towards these services, since they get paid when they refer someone.

However, almost everyone that tries them ends up being disappointed.


The easiest way to find whether or not someone is on Facebook Dating, is to make a Facebook Dating profile yourself.

It’s also possible to find them on other dating sites, by trying to sign up for an account with their email or phone number.

I hope that you’ve found this article helpful, and that you’ve managed to find out whether the person you’re looking for has a Facebook Dating profile or not.

If you have any other questions about Facebook Dating, please ask them using the comment form below.

Wishing you the best,

– James McAllister

About the author 

James McAllister

James is the owner of He started his first blog at the age of 11, and has since gone on to start several successful businesses. In total, these businesses have sold hundreds of thousands of units and have touched millions of lives. Here on, he shares his knowledge that brought him to where he is today. If you want to connect with James, follow him on your favorite social networks!

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