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When it comes to selling digital products – especially courses, there are a few routes you can take.

On one-hand, you can release your course as a one-off payment. The customer purchases it, and they have access to it forever.

On the other hand, there has been a rise in membership sites / subscription services – entrepreneurs offering access to all of their courses, for a recurring monthly fee.

I’ve spent a lot of time pondering what option I wanted to pursue myself, and had the opportunity to really dive deep into the pros and cons for each strategy.

In this article, I want to help you make your decision, by covering the advantages of disadvantages to selling online courses in a flat, one-time fee, vs a recurring membership option. I don’t think there is a clear best choice for everybody, so I’m going to help you decide what the best option is for you.

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You’re not making anywhere near the level of course sales that you could be.

It doesn’t matter if you have the cheapest price point, or the largest number of lectures.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve hired a professional copywriter, and paid them tens of thousands of dollars to build your landing pages.

It doesn’t even matter that you have the absolute best course on the market right now.

You’re not making anywhere near the level of course sales that you could be.

And that’s okay. But I want to help you change that.

When you’ve put so much time and energy into creating an awesome product, it’s natural to want to get it into the hands of as many people as possible. However, almost all course creators make some common mistakes that severely hinder their ability to acquire new students.

In this article, let’s look over these mistakes in more detail, and discuss practical strategies you can use to begin increasing your sales right away.

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There are a lot of beautiful things about digital products, that physical products simply can’t compete with.

Instant distribution, for one. There’s no need to deal with picking and packing, shipping and returns. You can put it up for sale, and it’s available for consumption instantly.

Ease of creation is huge as well – there’s no need to deal with foreign factories, import laws, and ordering thousands of units at a time to meet factory minimums.

This is why digital products are so popular for bloggers, vloggers, and other content creators online. The risks are low, and upsides are very high.

However, perhaps one of the greatest benefits that digital products have is the fact that they can continuously updated over time. They never have to be truly complete, and always have room to be improved. Because of this, it’s possible to start out with something very small, and have it blossom into something truly amazing as time goes on.

In this article, we’ll go over more about why you need to be updating your products, and how to do so in a way that continues stacking on value for your customers.

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It’s a well-known fact that creating your own product is one of the greatest ways to make money from your website, YouTube channel, or podcast.

You build something you already know your audience is interested in, and offer it for sale.

More so than any other product you’ve promoted before, buyers pull out their credit cards, because they already know, like and trust you.

After all, the free content you put out is already great, so whatever you’re charging for must be really freaking good.

However, most bloggers don’t offer their own products for sale, which perplexed me a little bit. After asking a bunch of bloggers, YouTubers, and podcasters why this is, the response was almost always the same:

“I don’t have time to create my own product. Besides, I can just offer other people’s products as an affiliate.”

This post is going to destroy that excuse once and for all. In this article, I will share with you 5 product ideas you can start and begin selling this week.

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You’ve put a lot of time into creating your online course. You’ve wrote the scripts, shot the video, handled the editing, and you’re ready to publish.

But wait – what are all of these different marketplaces? Should you sell your course on Udemy? What about Skillshare? ULearning, LinkedIn Learning, Teachable?

Should you go wide and get your course on all of these websites? Or should you keep it close and sell your course through your own website instead?

The truth is that there are a lot of options, and the option that’s best for you is going to depend on your own goals as an instructor, marketer, and entrepreneur. Let us explore several different strategies that the top instructors are currently using to maximize their revenue, so you can identify and choose whichever strategy fits your goals the best. 

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One of the biggest mistakes I see so many bloggers making is the fact that they aren’t selling any products of their own.

Sure, you may be promoting somebody else’s product as an affiliate, and that’s certainly a good way to monetize your blog, but the benefits of selling a product of your very own are enormous.

So why aren’t more bloggers creating their own products?

It tends to come down to one of two reasons – either they feel they don’t have a good idea for a product, or they are concerned about the amount of time it takes to create something and are worried that the investment of their time will not be worth it.

These concerns are understandable – after all, who wants to spend months creating something they feel is amazing only for it to ultimately flop?

Fortunately, the risk of this can be dramatically reduced by creating something called a minimum viable product, or MVP for short. Using the advice laid out for you in this article, you’ll be able to eliminate these concerns by creating and bringing a product to market far quicker than normal, and you’ll be able to verify it’s a product that your audience is interested in purchasing before putting too much time into it.

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