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It takes an average of 7 contacts before a person will make a deal with you.

90% of salespeople, marketers, and entrepreneurs will not follow up with a person more than 3 times.

Yet, 80% of deals are made on the 5th to the 12th contact.

Can you imagine all of the money that you’re leaving on the table?

This isn’t just applicable to making a sale. It could be arranging a meeting with an important person, pitching somebody to link to an article, or trying to get somebody to appear on your podcast.

Email outreach is more important than ever, yet a whopping 90 PERCENT of people will not even put the effort in to do it right.

It’s time to get relentless with your follow up. To form a strategy that will help you to achieve the results that you’re looking for.

Because clearly, the vast majority of us are leaving a LOT of money on the table.

The above statements should showcase just how important following up with people actually is. Therefore, this article will serve as a quick guide to getting started, showcase some examples, and help you to form a systematized strategy to make following up quick, easy, and effective.

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