Are you expecting a package from Fedex today, but it appears that Fedex forgot to deliver it?

Whether they’ve already delivered to you once or you’ve simply seen the Fedex truck pass by, it’s natural to worthy whether or not your package will arrive today.

Thankfully, there is usually a simple reason behind this. In this article, I’ll be covering Fedex’s delivery schedule in detail, along with whether or not your package is likely to arrive.

Let’s get into it!

Can Fedex Deliver Twice In One Day?

Fedex Delivery Vehicle

Yes! Fedex may deliver twice, or even several times per day. This is particularly common if packages have been ordered from multiple shipping services, such as Fedex Ground and Fedex Priority Overnight, for example.

Fedex offers time-specific guarantees for certain shipping services. This means that they will first ensure these packages are delivered, before revisiting a neighborhood to deliver Fedex Ground packages.

Therefore, it’s possible that Fedex will deliver to the same neighborhood – or even the exact same address, multiple times per day.

So, just because you’ve seen Fedex deliver to a neighbor does not necessarily mean that your package won’t still arrive today.

Still, there are many reasons why Fedex may appear to have ‘skipped’ your house, or failed to deliver all of the packages you were expecting. Let’s look over some more of these reasons now!

Fedex Skipped My House. Why?

It can be alarming when you see Fedex deliver nearby, but go straight past your house without even stopping.

If you’re worried that Fedex skipped your house, it’s common to question why this happened, and what may have caused it.

The truth is, there are a lot of potential reasons!

First things first, it’s possible that Fedex was simply prioritizing shipments that were purchased using more expensive shipping classes. For example, Fedex Priority Overnight, Fedex First Overnight, and Fedex 2Day A.M. packages all have guarantees, stating that they will be delivered by a certain time of day.

Because other shipping services allow Fedex to deliver until the end of the delivery day, these packages will often be delivered later. It’s not uncommon for drivers to finish all time-sensitive deliveries first, then go back and begin delivering all other packages.

So, it may help to check which service your package was shipped with. This information can be found on the package’s tracking page.

Additionally, it’s also possible that the package simply isn’t on the truck.

In larger cities or during peak shipping times, it’s possible that Fedex will have multiple drivers in separate vehicles all making deliveries within your neighborhood. Although it seems counterintuitive to have multiple people visit the same location, Fedex routes sometimes work out this way (after all, it’s possible that certain larger packages may not fit nicely in a specific truck for example.

Additional reasons Fedex may appear to skip a house include:

  • They are only delivering on one side of the street right now, and will deliver on your side later.
  • The driver is falling behind for time-sensitive packages, and needs to skip certain addresses to make up for it.
  • The Fedex truck you saw is currently only delivering to businesses, and will make residential deliveries later.
  • The package ended up on the wrong truck, or wasn’t loaded onto the truck at all.
  • The driver knew they weren’t able to access your package at the moment, so they will return later when it is easier to get to.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to know why your package wasn’t delivered.

However, it’s still very likely it will come later today!

What Time Does Fedex Stop Delivering?

As long as the delivery hours for your package have not passed, and the tracking page still shows that the package is estimated to be delivered today (rather than showing tomorrow, or simply ‘Pending’), it is still likely that the package will arrive today.

But, what are the hours Fedex delivers in? How late will Fedex continue delivering packages?

Truthfully, the time window you can expect depends on the shipping service that you purchased.

For most Fedex shipments (including Fedex Ground and Fedex Home Delivery), the delivery time will be between 8 A.M. and 8 P.M., which is what they consider to be the ‘end of day.’

However, during the holiday season or surges in shipments, it’s not uncommon for deliveries to show up even after 9 P.M. in some areas.

For Fedex overnight packages, delivery will be no later than [9:30] A.M. for Fedex First Overnight shipments, and [10:30] A.M. for Fedex Priority Overnight shipments.

Additionally, Fedex 2Day A.M. packages will be delivered by [10:30] A.M. for business addresses, and by noon for residential addresses.

If your time-sensitive package ends up being late however, Fedex will still make every reasonable attempt to get it to you as quickly as possible, that same day.

What Will Happen If Fedex Doesn’t Deliver Today?

If it is past 8 P.M. and your package still hasn’t been delivered, delivery will likely be reattempted tomorrow.

If you purchased a shipping service with a delivery guarantee, you may be able to receive a refund for the shipment. More information about Fedex’s Money-Back Guarantee can be found here.

Note however that the person who originally purchased the shipping will need to be the one to file a claim. So, if your package was something you ordered online, you should take this up for the merchant, who will likely be the ones to decide whether or not they refund you any shipping charges.

If you won’t be available to receive your package tomorrow, you can learn how to request it be held at your local Fedex facility for pickup here.


It is common for Fedex to deliver to the same neighorhood, and even the same address multiple times in one day.

This is particularly true if they are delivering certain packages with time-based guarantees, along with Fedex Ground or Fedex Home Delivery packages on the same day.

So, as long as your tracking page still shows it as likely to arrive today, you should expect Fedex to come back!

I hope that you’ve found this article to be helpful. If you have any other questions about Fedex, please ask them using the comment form below.

Wishing you the best,

– James McAllister

About the author 

James McAllister

James is the owner of He started his first blog at the age of 11, and has since gone on to start several successful businesses. In total, these businesses have sold hundreds of thousands of units and have touched millions of lives. Here on, he shares his knowledge that brought him to where he is today. If you want to connect with James, follow him on your favorite social networks!

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