Last Updated on January 10, 2022 by James McAllister

By: James McAllister


Reddit is the world’s largest forum, and one of the most useful social networks that exists, period.

There are communities for just about everything imaginable – from extremely niche topics, to the downright weird.

That being said, there are a lot of wonderful communities for marketers and entrepreneurs also, and I wanted to take the time to highlight some of them here.

The following marketing subreddits are a great place to brush up your skills, network with others, and engage in valuable discussions.

A Quick Word Of Warning – Promoting On Reddit

With so much traffic in many of these communities, you may feel eager to jump in and start promoting your own business. This is usually a mistake.

Reddit is harder on self-promotion than most social networks. Although each community has its own rules (and some do allow self-promotion), the majority do not.

In fact, many communities have a zero-tolerance view towards marketers, and may immediately ban you if you do something as simple as share a link to one of your own blog posts.

This can come across as harsh, but like Gary Vaynerchuk says, “marketers ruin everything.” If self-promotion was allowed, these valuable communities would quickly become overran by spam and subsequently abandoned.

Promoting On Your Profile

One place you can promote in complete safety is on your own Reddit profile.

This is a relatively new feature, but users can now subscribe to your posts the same way that they could to a subreddit – meaning they’ll show up on their front page when they visit This provides a way to at least reach promote to some people on Reddit without coming across as spammy.

I recommend pinning either your most important content or a link hub to your other social platforms to the top of your profile, as I have done so here:

With that out of the way, let’s look over some of the top business and marketing communities on Reddit!

Top Subreddits For Marketers And Entrepreneurs

1. /r/blogging

This one is my personal favorite, and the one I spend the most time on.

/r/blogging is a community for bloggers and those interested in blogging. Although it caters mostly to new and intermediate level bloggers, there are a lot of interesting discussions that go on that will be interesting even to advanced bloggers.

The community there is very friendly and supportive, even if you are completely new.

2. /r/juststart

/r/juststart is a community that mainly focuses on affiliate marketing – with much of the content geared towards people running Amazon Affiliate sites. This sub, although certainly catering to newbies, tends to be more focused on intermediate marketers that are already making some money with their websites.

One thing I like about this community is that users often share case studies and reports, detailing their personal growth of their sites. It can be very exciting for new marketers looking to make their first money online!

3. /r/affiliatemarketing

Another affiliate marketing sub (obviously), this one has made an incredible comeback in recent years.

While it used to be overran by spam, it is now a valuable community for affiliate marketers of all skill levels to discuss tactics / strategies, and share their experiences.

4. /r/emailmarketing

This community is based around email marketing, and tends to cater most towards intermediate and advanced marketers. That being said, it suffers from its share of spam and isn’t as active as some of the other subreddits on this list.

5. /r/seo

As the name would suggest, this is a SEO subreddit for those looking to master search engine optimization. I find it both informative and entertaining to be a part of, as Google’s ranking algorithm is constantly changing. Hearing about other people’s experiences after core Google updates has helped to shape some of the articles I’ve published on here, when no other data was available.

6. /r/bigseo

This is /r/seo’s bigger brother. The Bigseo subreddit is more geared towards marketers that work in SEO as their profession, such as consultants and marketing agencies.

This subreddit does not mess around and I’ve witnessed people being downright hostile to newbies asking simpler questions. Still, it makes for great reading material and some of the brightest minds in SEO congregate here.

7. /r/askmarketing

Have a marketing question that you need answered? Feel free to share it here, even in great detail. There are quite a few professionals on here that will take it seriously and give you thoughtful, detailed answers in response.

8. /r/wordpress

If your website or blog runs on the WordPress content management system, then /r/wordpress is a great place to seek help, particularly for technical issues.

It seems that many of the regular members are WordPress developers or plugin creators – in other words, people that know WordPress inside and out.

9. /r/adporn

Don’t worry, this subreddit is completely safe for work.

Here, you’ll find pictures of really clever, creative, and well-done advertisements. It’s not only informative for advertisers, but it can be entertaining to see also (which is why many of its members are not business owners are marketers.)

That being said, don’t get the wrong idea – the purpose of an ad is to sell or generate some sort of action, not to put on a show. Never make ineffective ads just so they look nice – so many people make this mistake. Often, the boring ads are the ones that bring in the money.

As they say, Facebook likes don’t pay the bills!

10. /r/writing

Content creators will love this subreddit.

Although the majority of the posts seem to be centered around fiction writing and storytelling, there are a lot of great writing discussions that apply to non-fiction and business writing as well. Productivity tips, handling common writing problems, and even book promotion are common topics you’ll find here.

11. /r/entrepreneur

This is perhaps the most active business subreddit on the platform.

Because of that, it unfortunately attracts a more general audience. Many of the posts are from ‘wantrepreneurs’ or people that haven’t yet started their business, talking about crazy ideas that simply aren’t ever going to work out in the real world.

I am not saying this from a stance of arrogance, but any experienced businessperson will agree that it shows.

That being said, it can still be a very valuable community. I personally like to sort the posts by ‘Top’ so I see the posts with the most upvotes first. By doing this, I find more interesting valuable discussions, as well as stories shared by entrepreneurs that are already finding success.

12. /r/digitalnomad

If you’re a travel blogger or you’re looking to live the ‘laptop lifestyle’, then /r/digitalnomad is a great community to be in.

This subreddit caters to people running their businesses remotely, allowing them the freedom to travel the world and work where they please.

Although I’m personally much more of a homebody, I find this subreddit to be quite inspirational – and I may try it myself someday!

13. /r/freelance

If you’re doing any sort of freelancing work, this is the place you want to be. /r/freelance is the most popular freelancing subreddit that’s active today.

14. /r/ppc

This is the best community on Reddit for discussing pay-per-click advertising, such as with Facebook ads or Google Ads (formerly Adwords.)

It is obvious even on your first visit that there are plenty of people here with real experience, either using PPC advertising to build their own businesses, or running campaigns for clients.

Be sure to make use of the search feature, as many questions you’ll have will likely have already been addressed in the past!

15. /r/smallbusiness

I consider /r/smallbusiness to be /r/entrepreneur’s more mature counterpart.

This subreddit bans many of the issues that plague the entrepreneur subreddit, like infotainment posts or advertisements disguised as advice. Instead, it focuses more on real questions and answers from real business owners.

There is a higher concentration of more ‘traditional’ businesses here – retail stores, professional services, etc. and less focus on startups or tech company ideas.

16. /r/startups

Another subreddit that can be summarized by its name alone. It’s also a much more serious and valuable subreddit than /r/entrepreneur.

This community leads towards topics surrounding tech companies, but it’s not exclusive to the tech sector.

17. /r/techseo

This is another SEO subreddit, but focuses on the technical side of things.

These are advanced topics that most beginners won’t need to worry about, as long as you’re already following SEO best practices.

18. /r/ecommerce

If you’re selling products online, then /r/ecommerce is a great community to be a part of. Note however that the primary focus seems to be around selling on your own store, vs on marketplaces. /r/flipping is a better subreddit for eBay, /r/etsysellers is better for Etsy, and /r/fulfillmentbyamazon is the best subreddit for Amazon FBA.

19. /r/digital_marketing/

A standard subreddit for digital marketers, that isn’t confined to any single area.

The benefit is that it’s quite a large community, with lots of regular people engaging in discussion. The downside is that there are less specialized discussions.

20. /r/adops

This subreddit is all about the sale and delivery of web advertising. If you work heavily in advertising or you monetize your website with display ads, this is a very valuable, advanced community full of experts with industry experience.


Although this isn’t a list of every marketing community on Reddit, these are perhaps my favorites.

That being said, part of what makes Reddit great is that there is seemingly communities for everything – and if there isn’t, you can always make your own.

I hope to see you around some of these Reddit communities as I continue to post there myself. If you’d like to follow me on Reddit, you can do so by clicking here, then clicking the ‘Follow’ button.

See you around!

– James McAllister

About the author 

James McAllister

James is the owner of He started his first blog at the age of 11, and has since gone on to start several successful businesses. In total, these businesses have sold hundreds of thousands of units and have touched millions of lives. Here on, he shares his knowledge that brought him to where he is today. If you want to connect with James, follow him on your favorite social networks!

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  1. I love the reddit’s communities. It’s a fantasct envioroment to get information and build your network. There you can know a lot of people who have the same goals as yours. For business and marketing it’s also amazing. For me this the best social media. Thank you for sharing these new subreddits with us.


  2. Thanks, James. I’ve been spending more time on Reddit these days and am learning more from different folks. I signed up for some of these too.
    I try to help others in groups as well answering questions that I know about. It reminds me of Quora a lot 🙂 It is the hardest social network to grasp I’ve found but it is getting easier the more time on spend on it. (like anything else, right?)


    1. Hey Lisa! I’ve seen you there a couple of times! Usually try to upvote your posts / comments when I come across them.

      I do think it can be pretty similar to Quora, the great thing is that the questions are a bit higher quality and there’s less hassles with moderation. I’ve gotten a bit frustrated with Quora as of late, due to answers randomly being hidden! Have you experienced that at all?


  3. Reddit has amazing communities. As much for you to have some fun in as for you to build your network. Thanks for sharing these subs. I’ll take a look. 🙂


  4. Thanks, James.
    really a good discussion . I’ve been spending more time on Reddit these days and am learning more from different folks. I signed up for some of these too.
    I try to help others in groups as well answering questions that I know about. It reminds me of Quora a lot .
    thanks for everything.


  5. Hi James,

    This was some great information. Although I am not directly into marketing, instead I am a copywriter, still, I get close to many digital marketers as we work together in a firm, I find this information to be great.

    The writing part gave me goosebumps though!

    Thank you for sharing this knowledgeable content.


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