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One of the quickest ways to improve your website’s conversion rate and increase your sales is to implement live chat.

Live chat may be the most effective way to offer customer support – both pre-sale and post-sale, in today’s day and age. It’s far quicker to communicate than email, and allows you to accomplish so much more than just using the phone.

That’s not to say the others should be ignored, but it’s a fact – live chat has insane potential.

In this article, I want to cover some of these benefits in detail – sharing with you why live chat is important for every business, and giving my recommendations on how to set it up today.

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One of the easiest ways to differentiate your business from others in your industry is to make customer service a priority.

Every business likes to think that they have good customer service, but there is an enormous difference between good customer service, and truly exceptional customer service. And your customers can clearly tell the difference.

Fortunately, crafting an exceptional customer service strategy is not all that difficult. The simple fact that you even care enough to read an article like this one shows that you’re likely to do well with the information I’m about to share with you.

There are a number of customer service principles that help buyers at all stages of the sales cycle feel valued and cared for. In this article, I intend to cover each one of these in detail.

Without further ado, here are the 7 pillars of exceptional customer service, and some information on how to implement them into your business.

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