Not sure which niche you want to enter into? Grab my niche selection blueprint by clicking here and you’ll find your perfect, profitable niche in no time!

One of the most exciting, but also one of the most difficult times when you’re starting business online is choosing a niche.

After all, it’s your niche – the topic you’re building your business around, that has one of the biggest effects on your chances at either succeeding or failing.

The right niche will allow you to build a highly scaleable business in a manner you genuinely enjoy and do well with, while the wrong niche will leave you doomed from the start (I know, because I had this problem for several years in my business career.)

Needless to say, making the right choice is pretty important.

In this article, I’m going to go over an example niche in detail, showing you the exact process I use to determine whether or not a particular niche is right or my students.

In this example, we will be looking at the guitar playing market.

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How many times have you had someone try to sell you the ‘magic formula’ that would instantly take your blog to massive success?

How many gurus have you landed into that sell the dream, tricking you into believing that online success is as easy as buying their (ridiculously priced) program?

Unfortunately, you can’t have it all.

When it comes down to achieving blogging success, it comes down to this:

You can have it good, you can have it fast, or you can have it cheap – but you can only have two of the three.

This means any way you go about it, you have to make choices, and you have to make sacrifices.

Let’s over each one of these combinations so you can decide which will fit your style the best.

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Let’s not waste each other’s time.

If you’re not interested in making a real, full time income with blogging, close this article now.

If you’re content with just making enough to cover your costs and pocket a bit of extra money each month, close this article now.

If you’re looking to make more money than you know what to do with, and you’re willing to make sacrifices to allow that to happen, this article is for you.

One of the biggest mistakes I see people making is pulling every cent out of their business, collecting their business’ profit as a salary.

However, this is a fatal mistake to make.

Success compounds more success, and this is largely because the resources you acquire can be put to work to in turn generate more. Traffic leads to more traffic. Exposure leads to more exposure. Money leads to more money.

If you want to grow rapidly and consistently, it’s vital you take a percentage of the profit your blog is making you, and reinvest it back into it.

There are a lot of options available for you, which we will go over now. 

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I have a confession to make.

Over the last 6 months, I have started another company. I’ve been working on it, building it up, and expanding it. And in that 6 months, it’s truly taken off and is quickly becoming something amazing.

And I’ve got to be honest, it has grown a lot quicker than I had ever expected it to.

Starting out with just a few thousand dollars, our main branch is projected to do around a million dollars in sales this year.

This does not even include our new venture – an entirely new brand we’re launching that is going to one day dominate the industry we’re working in.

Unfortunately I can’t talk too much about that right now due to agreements I have in place, however, I have been named CEO and I assure you that one day you’ll hear all about it.

Anyway, running this new business and launching this new brand has shifted my perspective about blogging, and has truly taught me a lot about this profession we all know and love. I’d like to share with you some of the lessons I’ve learned, which I believe can make us all better bloggers, marketers, and entrepreneurs.

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It’s nice to think that we’ll all be here blogging away forever, but the sad reality is that this likely won’t be the case.

Priorities and desires change. Life events spring up that require our attention. Perhaps new entrepreneurial opportunities arise, and will become a better use of your time.

No matter how successful we become, we will all only have 24 hours in a day to dedicate towards those things in life that our important to us.

Therefore, I think it’s important to keep an exit strategy in mind for your business – even if you don’t think you’ll ever end up using it.

Bear in mind this doesn’t mean you have to quit completely – you can begin making your exit slowly and gradually, and you never have to go all the way.

However, unless you want to keep working this same amount until you die, you’ve got to prepare for it.

Let’s look over our options. 

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If you ever want your blog to really skyrocket, you need a way to scale.

You need to develop a system that will allow you to grow consistently over time, without hitting any sort of plateau. Without hitting a ceiling, or any limits.

I started this blog because I knew that this market had limitless potential. I knew that the possibility was there to make millions of dollars a year. I knew that any limits that were in place were set by me, and I had control over all of them.

It wasn’t like that in the iPhone market, where I used to work in. I took off, and within a couple years I hit the max I could ever possibly make.

Most bloggers will never hit that ceiling if there even is one, because they do not do what is necessary to scale their business. 

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